Hi there,
I hope somebody can help me in the right direction.
I want to play Korg Kronos in setlist mode and switch rackspaces (or songs if that is better) by selecting a new performance on the Kronos.
Right now my rackspaces follow 1,2,3,4 etc of the programs/combinations in the Kronos setlist. So I can change rackspaces but I need to have full flexibility in Kronos setlist mode, so I can use rackspaces for different gigs.
I have tried to specify in Combis, but something is still wrong. I have looked in
I choose EX2 and try to specify parameters according to SHOW VARIATION PROPERTIES in rackspace submenu, but I’m not quite there yet.
I play my Korg Kronos in setlist mode and switch the songs by selecting a new performance on the Kronos. Every Song (sometimes Songpart) is a new rackspace, so I could choose 128 Songs with one setlist. I don’t use variations. Because I use VSTs and Kronos Sounds, I have a combination for every performance in the setlist. I think, it could be easier, but for me it works.
Thanks for replying to my topic:blush:
Do you program your programchanges in combi mode or do just go by setlist mode autocatically switching slot 0 = rackspace 1, slot 1 = rackspace 2 and so forth?
I just go by setlist mode switching slot 0 = rackspace 1, slot 1 = rackspace 2 and so forth.
I have a lot of Setlists in my Korg Kronos, but I use only one setlist for a Gig. I can trigger all my changes with a switch pedal, the Setlist Mode of the Kronos sends the Programm Change messages to Gig Performer.
For example Setlist Nr. 18 in the Kronos is called “GP: Gig 22.10.2022”
In this Setlist are 32 used Slots and there are 32 Rackspaces in the corresponding GigFile, for example:
Nr. 14 Turn the page
Nr. 15 Just a Gigolo Piano Intro
Nr. 16 Just a Gigolo Brass
Nr. 17 Just a Gigolo Solo
Nr. 18 Just a Gigolo Brass
Nr. 19 Daveys on the Road again Intro
Nr. 20 Daveys on the Road again Solo
Nr. 21 Daveys on the Road again Outro
Nr. 22 Won’t forget these days
Nr. 23 Hollywood Hills
and so on.
For all this rackspaces I have a Combination. But I think, that is only important, when I use a Kronos sound in the rackspace.
In the Setlist Mode of my Kronos I use the same names. I don’t use variations. Live I only use the panels view in GP and I don’t use the setlist mode of GP.
In the variation properties of GP I have assigned a permanent program change number, for “Turn the page” it is PC # 16, Bank # 0 MSB 18 LSB, for “Just a Gigolo Piano Intro” it is PC # 17, Bank # 0, MSB 18 LSB and so on. In the Kronos combinations I don’t use Program Change.
Thanks SirTommes.
If you change order of songs in a live gig with your band, do you then change the order of rackspaces, since you dont use program changes?
Changing the order of songs in a live gig is a problem since I am a keyboarder. For years I try to educate my bandmates, sometimes I had success.
In Korg Setlist mode I can choose the slot by pressing the right number on the Kronos touchscreen. So if the song is in our program, there is no problem, because the right rackspace is triggered too. If someone chooses another song, I have a few slots at the end of my Kronos Setlist with standard sounds (Hammond Organ, Piano, Strings, E-Piano, Clavinet, Jump-Brass, Derek Sherinian Monster Lead, Nightwish Orchestra Sound and Voices. In most cases that is enough.
Because of Corona we had not so much Gigs in the last two years, but that works even in my old mainstage days.
I am working with an Roland RD2000 and not with a Kronos.
In my RD2000 I make per Song a Scene (I can make 100 of them).
This scene I edit idividual to my/ the songs need, and I can set a program
change number (PC). This Program change number I can Set in the Setlist of GP as well. If I now choose a scene at the piano, the right song in GP will be choosen as well.
In addition to that I have on my tablet the lyrics and chords of each song, before the song I just make the note of the scene I have to choose at my piano.
The Tablet is not connected to anything.
In the IPad App GuitarTapp pro I arrange the setlist/ gig, so it is easy to skip a song, or mix the order if needed.
For you the Program change part (PC) is important, I guess.
Good luck Flodder