After providing my first iteration of Summer Madness based on the KORG collection 5 I did some more research this evening about the missing strings.
I had a funny but interesting conversation with ChatGPT and a closer look on this YT video from Kool & The Gang, showing Rick Westfield playing the Arp 2600 on top of an Arp Solina String Ensemble
So I ‘just’ added the Arturia Solina V2 to the gig and made some deeper contact with this particular instrument with some suggestions from my new friend ChatGPT
Note to myself: let’s talk about ‘crescendo’
Here’s the result of there northern German jury
A small (very rough mixed an not very well played) improvisation done in Logic Pro with additional Cymbal + Sidestick from the Korg Triton Standard Kit, the IK ModoBass and of course the three sounds I created in attached gig file.
I think a good starting point to to further tweak and go to the next band rehearsal
Feedback welcome!
SummerMadness.gig (169.9 KB)