Keylab mk II Control Banks - odd behaviour


Seeking some help from fellow Keylab 61 mkII users regarding the use of these banks.

I also want to use the three banks of knobs/sliders/buttons, but somehow seem to be struggling with some basics, even using the default settings.

Here’s what happens.

If I press a Select button, say ‘Select 3’, it toggles on/off as expected, sending the correct CC message. When On, the LED is ON (in blue, according to the default settings). If I then switch Banks, the LED of Select 3 turns off, as this (likely) is the state of this button in this bank.
However, when going back to the previous bank, where I toggled the button to be in the ‘ON’ state previously, the LED remains unlit, so, not reflecting its internal state. Pressing the button again, then sends the off-message, and of course does not light the LED. Pressing it again just works as expected…

Does anyone else also see this behavior? I am using firmware 1.3.1.

Oh, and for some reason the LED of ‘Select 1’ always lights up white when switching banks, regardless of its state. The other buttons go dark…

What am I missing? Any suggestion much appreciated.

I have a Keylab Mkll-88. I don’t get the same results as you. (Also on 1.3.1). When you say “switch banks” I assume you are speaking of switching between Part 1 and Part 2 and Live Bank…or switching between Users?

Yes. Switching between part 1/part 2/live banks.

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Good news!

Because @jpt mentioned not seeing this behaviour, I dug a bit deeper and finally decided to do a complete refresh of the firmware and a Factory Reset.

The firmware update did not help, but the Factory Reset did the trick! Now the buttons’ states are correctly reflected by the LEDs when switching banks, as expected.

For those who might need it: a Factory Reset is done by pressing the Oct+ and Oct- buttons while powering on the unit and then confirming by pressing the dial.


Great!! Glad you figured it out.

Yes. very happy about that.

If now I could only figure out how to keep these buttons in sync with the status in GP. It’s very unfortunate the buttons do not seem to respond to their assigned CCs. Only one-way communication, I guess? Unless there is a way to set the state via Sysex (like what @tripleB is doing for the LEDs in his great Scriptlet)?

Yes. In the meantime I’ve given up on that. Anyways, I’m usually just seeing my widget status on my screen…so, it isn’t really a problem for me.