I was playing around with the MDrummer plugin and mapped the “Play/Stop” parameter in the plugin to a LED widget. When I press the widget On/Off, I notice the Play button in GP also toggles between Play or Stop. ALSO - the GP Play button - as well as the LED widget - also toggles On/Off if I press the spacebar on my keyboard! I don’t recall reading anywhere in the documentation that there are keyboard commands mapped to ??? in GP? Is this true? Are there any other keyboard keys mapped to other things in GP? This is pretty handy! See my attached video. Im moving the mouse around and pressing the spacebar, which is activating the Play button, LED widget, and activating MDrummer.
Thanks. I have seen that before and used those shortcuts. All of those start with a special key - e.g. Cmd, Ctrl, Shift, etc first, then another key or combination of keys. The behavior I am describing is a single key press with no special key that identifies it as a control or shortcut.
However, pressing the spacebar to start/stop the Play button (not even sure what the right terminology is), or having that button, or the spacebar on the keyboard, mapped to a widget, I haven’t seen that discussed before. Keyboard key presses for most of the keys on a keyboard are also momentarily displayed in the “Current Rackspace Name” panel. The mystery continues. So far it’s the only one, but… I’m liking it so far! Maybe it has something to do with the System Actions block, but that block isn’t connected or mapped to anything yet. Looking forward to experimenting with that too.
I made another video of the screen capture showing me pressing the space bar to start and stop MDrummer (and control the LED widget). I have never seen this described before.