John Lehmkuhl releases Unify 1.0

Besides the 8 predefined macros in Unify, is there any other way to pass plugin controls back to GP to control with widgets? I want to load a B3 plugin in Unify and pass the 16 drawbars back to GP as widgets, but there are only 8 Unify macros.

What is exactly the benefit of doing this? The Unify built-in sound?

It is possible to change patches through Midi ?

You should ask that in their forum.
As far as I know this is not possible.

No - I met John and his team at NAMM — Unify is being distributed by the same company that distributes Gig Performer. Right now, they only have those 8 macros exposed via host automation, they’re planning on providing more, but not a lot more.

Hi, are you still using Unify with Gig Performer? Are you still satisfied? I think it’s a big disadvantage that you can only control the 8 macro parameters with Gig Performer.

Unify 1.2 now supports 32 Makro controls