It’s Chrisssstmassss!

Starting to prepare the Christmas set :nerd_face:

(Fully expecting this post to be banned :rofl:)


Nice… but it would be even nicer if you wrote a few words about how you made it, what plugin(s) you used, which preset or settings… etc.
After all the name of this subforum is “Sound design with GP” and not just “Play a nice tune”. :beers: :innocent:

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The Yamaha CS-80 is the main sound here (courtesy of the Arturia CS-80 V), which is responsible for the main tone, and delay effect. GP Song tempo set to 95bpm. There’s a little compression which comes from RoughRider (a nice free compressor I occasionally use). A tiny amount of Valhalla Room reverb (6% mix) and when I play it live I’ll be using it mono which seems to more closely match the original. Following this sound, there is a continuous high pedal synth string note (wide stereo field, CS-80 again) and continuous jingle bells for festive effect. If I were recording it I’d probably add some tape saturation.

I’ll have a tidy up of the gig file tomorrow and upload that along with the midi. Ultimately, the plan is to create a set of Rackspaces that will cover the majority of Christmas song duties.


Sounds good! Looking forward to it! :+1: :star_struck:
…and thanks for the explanations! :beers:


To be authentic, please make sure the repeated chords get messed up just like the actual recording!

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You’re absolutely right @jeffn1
According to ‘the web’ the original didn’t use delay (like the example above), but reverse-sawtooth LFO modulation on the filter instead. Might try that next.

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What is the actual recording ? I think I never heard this song… :thinking: