I’m a newbie to GP, and am trying to wrestle an enormous amount of information regarding how the software works.
My desire for implementing GP seems as if it would involve some significant GPScripting, programming preset lists, one-shot LFOs and so on, having them interact with the presets.
I am posting here hoping to find somebody willing to be employed as a consultant, discussing the build I had in mind, and explaining certain concepts (and directing me toward an optimum method of implementation), and perhaps even constructing presets that would accomplish my objectives.
Please let me know if you think this would be something you’d be interested in pursuing!
Thanks for the kind words, but I can’t let that stand! Just because someone has the longest (script code) doesn’t automatically make them the boss.
There are so many top programmers here who are always happy to help in this forum. I’ve also been able to improve my skills thanks to their support.
I won’t start listing all the amazing power users here—I’d surely forget someone!
Gig Performer gives everyone the freedom to customize and set up the usage and work environment very specifically and individually according to their own ideas and preferences.
Thanks to the GP Developer!
well I said “a” boss. not “the” boss.
but yes, once I get into scripting more, I can’t wait to meet/learn about more power users with interesting approaches to GP.
Effectively, what I’m hoping to do is to take an existing workflow and build it within Gig Performer.
I wish to be able to freely scroll through “presets”. Whether these would be “rack variations” or some other GP format is unclear to me.
Each preset would contain, essentially, the same layout and wiring, but load up different settings within each preset. LFO rates would be adjusted. One-shot LFOs would be set to “run” immediately when presets are changed.
I’ve been struggling with finding appropriate VST/AUs that can interpret single MIDI commands into a series of changes. I can mentally build what I want within Nord Modular, within Max/MSP, within ZOIA even. I have never been able to get my head around how to build the same within any DAW, or GP.
If there was a VST/AU that effectively functioned like a MIDI brain, could load indefinite numbers of presets, could be told to run LFOs and send CC and PC commands when presets are changed, then that would effectively make GP extremely usable for me.
That said, it seems already as if GP can be told to do these things with scripting, but I have no experience with coding at all.
I’ve had a couple of posters reach out to me privately to offer assistance… thank you both! Hoping that some mysteries will be solved over the next couple days
Check my posts on preset classification.
I did 4 of them on Arturia plugins to test how the computers would handle it.
But it’s as you described with variations setup to switch presets.
OK - that may or may not be a problem in itself. We have been able to determine for the most part that the only time new users have a problem with (or trying) Gig Performer is when they try to replicate the workflow they used with a previous (typically channel strip) model.
The paradigm in Gig Performer is very very different and it is important to understand the GP “way”
Gig Performer does not use the term preset as a VST plugin does.
So with preset some mean GP user preset.
Another means Variation
Another means Rackspace etc.
I am referring to preset classification as in the Arturia plugin presets.
He was interested in the switching plugin presets via variations method.
One rackspace and switching the state of the bypass widgets to achieve a preset switching effect.