Injecting MIDI events into control alias

Hello, I use my expression pedal via a control alias as I sometimes switch hardware or choose to connect it differently.

Now I would like to simulate a signal from my expression pedal via an external midi file. For that I put the midi file with a series of CC11 signals in a midi player on my rackspace and then connected it to the input of a Scriplet that injects the input into the MidiInBlock where the signal I’d like to emulate comes from. However, the signal doesn’t make it to the control alias so that the swell pedal widget does not receive the signals. I think this has to do with the fact that the signal goes to the control alias in an earlier stage and is not directly connected to the MidiInBlock (or anything on rackspace level really). What would be a way to solve this?



Post scriptum: Actually the signals only go out of the midi monitor, they don’t make it to the MidiInBlick referenced in the script either.

Okay, sometimes writing something down helps. I think I solved this one myself. InjectMidiEvent doesn’t require a MidiInBlock handle as the first argument but a physical device name. Which is exactly what I need to make this work. The only remaining problem is that ideally I would like to directly inject this into the control alias instead. I don’t think this will work with SendNow(). So I’ll leave this open for a qualified answer.

You know this?


That indeed answers my question, thank you!

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