Initializing for minutes

I have an issue with long initializing times, which suddenly startet last week.

I start Gigperformer without directly loading a gig file. So I am waiting for the " welcome screen" from which I can choose further actions.

It takes about 90 seconds until Gigperformer finishes initializing and shows this screen. Is this normal behaviour? Can I somehow optimize this?

Thank you for your help


Can you reproduce?
Do you have WLAN enabled but your router has no connection to the Internet?

Are you on Windows or macOS?

Yes. Every time. Network disabled.


Currently on Windows.


For my understanding, wlan enabled but no connection to internet?

Ok I have to check that. Tonight… Thank you for this hint…

Do you have OSC enabled?

So something changed about your environment last week.
OS update? Plugin update? New plugins? Antivirus update?

Excluding possible hardware failure, these kinds of delays are invariably caused by either antivirus blocking access, or by plugins trying to call “home” and failing (which takes time)

Ok. With network adapters disabled in device manager the tendency is, that initializing times are less.

But even then I have absolutely unpredictable behaviour: From seconds to almost minutes, sometimes even more. During this time my computer is completey locked. Does not react to anything…

No, OSC ist not enabled.

The main thing I changed was the graphics driver, because of DPC issues with the nvidia driver. downgraded to an older version, which was good for the DPC issue. Antivirus is Windows defender, which is disabled.

So if you revert to the newer graphics driver, does GP behave again?

I had a similar problem caused by this, too.
Where did you know from?

Didn’t try that one. I am now off for vacation now. But probably I will switch to Mac for live gigging anyway…
I want to make music rather than be a system manager…

As do we all - that was one of the reasons we developed GP in the first place!
Enjoy vacation.