Inconsistent OSC behavior for inverted widgets

Hi Guys,
this is my first post in this forum, but I’ve been following the conversations in here for a while and found them to be very productive and I am glad there are many people active here who really know their stuff. :slight_smile:

My problem concerns inverted buttons and sliders. Inverted in this context means, that the Invert Value Checkbox in the tab Value of the widget properties is checked:

When using such buttons with the current Lemur template, I noticed that if i activate an inverted button in Lemur, the corresponding GP button widget is activated too (as would be expected) whereas if I activate the button in GP, it is deactivated for Lemur and vice versa. I have uploaded a minimal rackspace which shows the problem:

I have further investigated the issue and found the following:

  • By looking at the “raw” OSC messages between GP and Lemur it was clear to see that GP sends out inverted values for the buttons (in the example rackspace consider the adress /Button3/SetValue) so it is likely for this to be a bug in GP rather than the Lemur template.

  • Aside from buttons, sliders and knobs are affected as well.

  • The inversion occurs not only when moving the widgets “live” in GP, but on (variation) recall too.

  • Interestingly, when pressing Refresh in the Lemur template, the Lemur buttons/sliders/knobs receive the “correct” values (as in: as I expected).

Did I overlook something? Should this be expected behavior? (And if so: Why?) Or is this just a bug in GP?

Thanks in Advance :smiley:

This was tested using Gig Performer 3.2.7 on Windows 10.

Welcome to the forums.

Can you try switching off Invert and instead just swap the values for Min and Max? What happens in that case?

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That works fine - and it is a better workaround that the one i was using so far, thank you very much! :slightly_smiling_face:

So the behavior with Invert value activated is actually supposed to be that way?

Good to know — at some point the Invert checkbox will probably just turn into a button that swaps Min and Max

Okay, thanks for the quick response :+1:

Hi @simon, welcome to the GP community :wink:
May I ask you what you use to monitor the OSC traffic ?

I’ve been using the OSC Monitor by Frieder Weiss:
It’s a neat little tool (small size, no installation required, forwarding of messages is possible, performance is okay), but Windows only.

While searching for a tool, I came across some other projects which I have not tested yet:

For OSCulator, see our blog article

Also, for monitoring OSC, another good app is OSC Shark

Thank you for the info. This also what I use under Windows, except OSCulator which is Mac only. Unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:

Yes OSCulator looks very nice, Unfortunately, I have Windows.

I didn’t know about OSC SHARK thanks. It looks like a Qt version of the origininal Kasperman OSC Data monitor. The GUI seems to be more readable with Qt.