IK multimedia Hammond B-3x plugin issue

Are you running GP in Apple Silicon natively but your plugins are mostly still Intel? That would do it.

Yes, Silicon M1 chip. How do I know if the plugins are still intel? Is there a work around? As a point of comparison, I also have a new Macbook Air with the M2 chip (24GB) and all but a couple of the same plugins work fine on that machine (when I say fine, the load up, they save the preset I choose for a given rack, etc.)

Have you tried just deleting all the failed plugins from the plugin manager and then rescanning?

No, I have not. Let me give that a shot and I’ll post an update here after

Ok, tried that and still came up with the same number of failed plugins (98)

Which are those plugins that refuse to work?
And by any chance, do you probably use 32 bit versions?

They were Intel only plugins, not ARM