How to use GP Relayer with REAPER

Follow these steps to send audio from Gig Performer to Reaper and record it in Reaper.

First, insert a GP Relayer block in the Wiring view and connect your audio source to the GP Relayer plugin:

In the GP Relayer plugin editor window make sure that Send is set.
In the Via section choose a desired Relay – in this example Relay #1.

Next, start REAPER and insert a new Track (CMD + T on a Mac):

Click the FX button and type GP to filter out the plugin results:

Click on the VST3: GP Relayer entry and then click on the Add button.

When the GP Relayer plugin editor opens, make sure to set Receive and choose the relay number as in Gig Performer (in this example: Relay # 1):

Lastly, to record audio arm Record and choose Record : output → Record: output (stereo).

Click on the Record button to start recording.

Credits: @keyman


I did exactly the same thing but to no avail: from the start in GP, the GP Relayer displayed neither activity nor an audio signal from the AFP (the same thing happened when I connected the input of my audio card or any other audio source).
I’ve also changed the relay numbers, put the Relayer in the Reaper’s pre or post FX, etc.
In any case this last operation changes nothing as there is no signal passing in GP’s Relayer Send.
What did I miss?

For some reason your version of GP Relayer is not the one that should be available in GP. That version is the external app version. (the bottom right corner shows v.1.0.22-- the internal GP version should be v 1.0)

I can see by the GP icon in the GP Relayer window also that you are running GP4–not GP5. (Your icon has red in it–the GP5 icon has no red)

This is what GP Relayer should look like in GP 5 in send mode:

Example 80


You were right on target !
I’m currently juggling between GP4 for my projects and the trial version of GP5 and while I was in GP4 I didn’t think GP Relayer could appear here ! In any case, everything works perfectly in GP5.

An unrelated comment: a new project in GP5 will also appear in the list of recent projects in GP4 and vice versa. And if you delete the list of recent projects in GP5, it also deletes all those in GP4. This is not really a problem, just a transition detail between the two versions.

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While you will get a warning, as long as you don’t use any new features, you can load a gp4 gigfile into GP5 and a GP5 gigfile into GP4

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Good to know, thank you.

hello, is there a way to controll play/stop reaper via gig performer, when both is connected via gp relayer ? Thanks :slight_smile:

Maybe a better way to achieve this is controlling Reaper via OSC: REAPER | OSC


I’m trying to use GP Relayer to insert into reaper. I can see you get 10 relays, can the relay channels be used bi-directionally. Eg: relay 1 send audio from reaper, GP does the FX, then return the audio to reaper down Relay 1? Or would the return need to be relay 2 (essentially giving me 5 stereo returns now 10)?

Relays are uni-directional. So for your example, you would need to use two different channels

Thank you for the quick response! Thought that that might be the case but worth double checking before I give up, annoyingly I need 6 sends and returns (so one pair short) but I think I have a work around.