How to map the skip button on the "Streaming player" with midi controller

Its my first day trying to wrap my head around this software, i want to play with backing tracks from the Streaming Audio Player and use midi controller to skip through the songs, play and stop etc. I managed to make a button linked to play and stop but the skip button doesn’t work.

Welcome to our forum! :beers:
I am sure we can help you, but you should be much more specific in explaining your issue.
Which “skip” button doesn’t work?
What exactly “doesn’t work”? (could be anything)
What controller do you use?
What exactly (in detail) do you try to achieve?
The more detailed info we get from you, the easier it’ll be to help you.

Hi @Trin, welcome to the family.

You know the concept of widgets?

Create a button widget and map it to Streaming Audio File Player, Parameter “Next Track”
Then MIDI learn your widget.

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Ok great i managed this, tbh its quite daunting, i have 12 backing tracks and a ton of instrument changes i need automating along the timelines of each song, not quite sure how to go about it. Not many of the tutorials on YT mention anything about backing tracks and how to set up a live set in the way i want. I tried this in Ableton and its just way too much of a CPU overload.

Thank You, i managed to fix that issue. I need to make a live set of 12 songs with backing tracks, automate about 50 different instruments including vocals, guitars and synths in the correct places to the backing tracks, all with a ton of processing (EQ, comp, rev, delay) etc… Im not really sure how to approach setting it up in the best way. Im also worried when i put a shit ton of plugins in it, there will be loads of CPU problems and latency like Ableton had. Thanks

Curious……What exactly are you trying to automate and what song are you doing that needs 50 instruments ?

12 songs, for example 1 song might contain a vocal, 2 different guitar amps and 2 different synths, and i want to automate those instruments to come in and out at different timelines of the song, using the markers im guessing?

I don’t know what that means — are you trying to play the instruments automatically?

It sounds to me like you are trying to use GP as if it was a DAW with tracks for each instrument.

Yeah im trying to play them automatically. And im trying to do whatever gets the job done. Obviously there are “rackspaces” instead of “tracks” it would be good if i had for example, vocal, synth and guitar all activated at the same time. This is a music performance program. I dont think what im trying to achieve should be so out of the question…

With markers you can switch rackspace variations and with widgets you bypass and unbypass plugins.

I am using Backing Tracks in Ableton Live and via scripting in Gig Performer I make automatic variation changes in Gig Performer.

But now with the new version all that can be done in Gig Performer itself.

No, it is not a “music” performance program — it is for a “musician” to use for performing, essentially replacing hardware synths and effects pedals and giving complete control to the musician on stage (or in a recording studio)

Rackspaces are not “instead” of tracks – they have an entirely different purpose.

What is your source? Are they audio files or or do you have MIDI files that you’re trying to play? And are you playing as well?

No i will play VSTs to backing tracks. A VST vocal chain, a VST guitar chain and a VST synth chain. Im guessing i put the VSTs on the rackspaces. I just need to think of the most efficient way to build the set to not overload the CPU

I would look at multiple instances of GP for those purposes.

You could think about using multiple instances of Gig Performer.
Each instance handles its own thing.
1 instance for vocals
1 instance for synths
1 instances for guitar vst.

Via OSC it is super easy to keep all instances in Sync.

Ah yes the bypassing of plugins seems like useful information so im not creating a whole new variation just because one VST changes but another does not. Are there any videos of tutorials on widgets and bypassing plugins?

Sure there are.
Did you take a look at the user manual?
By the way you CREATE variations for changing plugin parameter or bypassing plugins.

Didnt look at the manual yet. I only found out about this software 2 days ago. I think i know how to manage this whole thing now. I must put every plugin i intend to use per song into 1 rackspace, then use variations to bypass the plugins i am not using at specific markers of the song. The song will be played from the global rackspace using the Streaming Audio Player. Next i just need to figure out 1 bar metronome count ins before the backing tracks start

I would strongly encourage you to review the manual - pretty much everything you’re asking is documented there.


Also the Getting Started blog article: Getting started with Gig Performer - Gig Performer®

The foundations are there.