How to handle Midi port out from a global rack space?

I would like to create a global rack space that includes the plugin “Midi Guitar 2” from Jam Origin.
I use this plugin for all my rackspaces and I would like to make it common for all of them.
The problem is how to send the midi output from the plugin and make it available to all the rackspaces?
I see there is a “Global GP Midi” input midi port, but no midi output port…Maybe a scriptlet would be able to manage it, isn’t it?

Are you on Mac?
You could use IAC Driver
And with scripting you can Inject a Midi Message into the Local GP Port.

InjectMidiEvent(<physicalDeviceName : String>, <m : MidiMessage>)
InjectMidiEventViaRigManager(<rmDeviceAliasName : MidiInDeviceAlias>, <m : MidiMessage>)

Yes I am.

With this scriptlet in the global rackspace ypu can inject the MIDI Note message to the Local GP port

On NoteEvent(m : NoteMessage)
 InjectMidiEvent("Local GP Port", m)


Thank you so much “PianoPaul”, it works perfectly! and without adding any IAC mac port:

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I have not addressed this issue yet but I would need to have the same configuration: Midi Guitar plugin is used in all my rackspaces at the beginning of the audio and midi chain.
But I’m on Windows…

With the scriptlet is works the same way under windows

Thank you, I will try it. :grinning:

For now I am quite unhappy with the announcement made on Audiofanzine-France.
I had proposed a week ago an announcement for the release of GP4 with lots of details ( a French translation of the main elements published on the GP website) and links to videos of the new features.

The announcement published today is not mine - which doesn’t bother me at all - but the presentation video is from Plugin Alliance which shows absolutely nothing of GP4. It’s actually an advertisement for plugins, especially those from PA.

I have of course made a commentary including my informations about GP4 and links to the youtube playlist of new GP4 features.

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By the way, “PianoPaul”, Jam Origin is working on a new plugin, called "Midi guitar Mini’, to be compatible with the Mac M1 processor. It brings new features, as MPE capabilities, which is a great feature for the plugin to translate the guitar expression feel.
But they compile it in a new Apple plugin format: auv3 (may be the same type of format used in the IPad). Unfortunately, Gig Performer is not able to manage it:

I don’t know if the problem is coming from JamOrigin (the plugin is currently in alpha or beta release phase) or from Gig Performer. Any comment/opinion?

AuV3 is not yet supported

Ok, perfect: Midi Guitar to scriptlet and it is done.


The new scriptlet feature from GP4 is definitively a major improvement!
You can improve the script by adding the management of the pitch bend and the note transposition. If not the pitch bend information from Midi guitar will not be send to your synth plugin: