Can i use GPRelayer to control rackspaces/variations/setlists, receiving MIDI PC?
I want to replace LoopMIDI. So I can change PC without any third party software.
Reaper sends the signal earlier looks like PDC is doing something but is off. And with Studio One I don’t have the same issue, just works in real time.
Connect a Relay to a MIDI Out (Local GP Port) in the Global rackspace, and then map incoming MIDI messages to widgets that can then control actions via a System Actions plugin - and be VERY careful to not use any MIDI In OMNI plugins or you will immediately get nasty feedback
Alternatively use a global script (again, in the global rackspace) to receive those MIDI messages and then perform the desired operations by responding to the incoming messages in script callbacks
That said, since both Reaper and GP support OSC, it would probably be much easier to use OSC for these kinds of things
I cannot simply use GPRelayer into Local GP Port to recieve Program Changes?
Is needed to connect to a widget and then to system actions to select a certain rackspace or variation?
Program Change Control is set to “Accept Program Changes Messages From Any Device”