Can i use GPRelayer to control rackspaces/variations/setlists, receiving MIDI PC?
I want to replace LoopMIDI. So I can change PC without any third party software.
Reaper sends the signal earlier looks like PDC is doing something but is off. And with Studio One I don’t have the same issue, just works in real time.
Connect a Relay to a MIDI Out (Local GP Port) in the Global rackspace, and then map incoming MIDI messages to widgets that can then control actions via a System Actions plugin - and be VERY careful to not use any MIDI In OMNI plugins or you will immediately get nasty feedback
Alternatively use a global script (again, in the global rackspace) to receive those MIDI messages and then perform the desired operations by responding to the incoming messages in script callbacks
That said, since both Reaper and GP support OSC, it would probably be much easier to use OSC for these kinds of things
I cannot simply use GPRelayer into Local GP Port to recieve Program Changes?
Is needed to connect to a widget and then to system actions to select a certain rackspace or variation?
Program Change Control is set to “Accept Program Changes Messages From Any Device”
I can confirm that GPRelayer is ignoring incoming PC messages. I added monitors in Reaper before the relayer and in Gig Performer.
Reaper Sends:
[CC0 Bank Select MSB] chan 1 val 0
[CC32 Bank Select LSB] chan 1 val 0
[Program Change] chan 1 val 2
GPRelayer only gets:
CC 0 Bank Select: 0 Channel 1
CC 32 Bank Select (fine): 0 Channel 1
This could be a gap since it’s not implemented as a device in the global midi program change control list; hence even when you select “allow PC from any device” GPRelayer is not considered any midi device yet.
Not sure what are the rules on how to report issues here, but I’ll start an article specifically for GPRelayer. My idea was to send from the relayer to the local midi port, and just use the variation bindings, however, since it wasn’t working I added those monitors and found that.
I think one way to achieve that is to send CC messages and then use GP Script to reinterpret the messages as Program Change messages and go from there.
I cannot confirm.
I built a rackspace where a widget send PC messages to a MIDI In plugin.
After that MIDI In plugin I connect GP Relayer to send message
Another GP Relayer in the Rackspace receives the messages and in a MIDI Monitor connected to that GP Relayer I see PC messages.
Hey, that’s a great workaround! That’s actually what I’m doing right now. I’ve got a script in Reaper that maps the original Program Change messages to CC, and then I use GP Script to reinterpret them as Program Changes in Gig Performer.
While scripting is super useful, I feel like in this case, it really shouldn’t be necessary. It would be awesome if we could suggest features like adding Program Change Control for plugin input devices (like GP Relayer). It would simplify things without needing workarounds like this.
I just ran a test using the AU version, and it works perfectly. So the issue seems to be specific to the GP Relayer VST3 wrapper, as the problem is reproducible only in that format. @edm11 suggested this is related to VST3 limitations and not the plugin itself which makes perfect sense.
Both the GP Relayer AU and the GP Relayer System are passing Program Change messages correctly, so it looks like the VST3 version is the one causing the trouble.
If you are using Mac, you can use the AU version of GP Relayer in your DAW. However, it would be great if, in the future, they release a CLAP version of the plugin so that we can have a cross-platform solution. We should support CLAP in general.