Where can I find GP’s crash reports?
Im fining GP very. easy top crash at the moment.
Yes, im using Zenology, but it seems to only crash when I use the drum patches in any new Rackspaces. The existing ones all work fine.
In fact if I add this to a Rackspace and close GP down, when I re open it I have no issues. If I try and play it before a restart it crashes.
I do see the crash report open but haven’t found a way to do anything with it. I’ll have a look over the weekend. I guess i could cut and paste it in to something else.
Not totaly new to Mac but never had to really go looking for stuff. When Cubase or a coupe fo others have crashed ive had the option to open the folder so that was always easy.
Yeah, i really like Zenology. This is the only issue ive had with it so far, and it’s just when i add this particularly patch (Handclaps) to a Racksapce. I’ve never had it crash on me once its part of the RS…
I love XV5080 but i find it uses a bit more recourses and i had had a coupe of weird things happen with that pluggin. I use it a lot though.
Yeah, it’s the same issue i posted on FB about last week, and then it cleared up. Seem like its fine once its in the Rackspace. I can reproduce it 100% so if i find out how top post the dump I’ll do it here.
It’s not a big deal, although i lost about 30mins editing when it happend tonight. No other issues with Zenology so far.
This started again tonight. In this case I wasn’t even opening Zenology, although it was wired in. All I do was doing is assign a high key in the midi in block. I can set the low one, but as soon as I set the high one GP closes.
Happened twice in a row now.
Strange thing is, if I wire it in and then save GP, I can then go back to editing it and it doest crash. Only seems to be an issue until the Rackspace has been saved. Archive.zip (104.9 KB)
Yep, as I said at the start, but ive tried to get Cubase and Logic to crash using the same sound and I can’t.
I also have no issues at all with Zenology once the plugin has been added to GP and I save the GP file and then reopened. At least i have a work around.
Yes, unfortunately Roland is not considering (for now) the live use of their plugin. It starts with their lifetime licenses which need to call home every month or the plugin stops to work.
On a side note, I got TDR Limiter based on recommendations here. Tried the demo for a while and decided to purchase it last night. I removed the demo and installed the paid version. The AU version worked ok in GP, but I had to go Logic to get the VST3 activated. The option just wasn’t there in GP.
Not a big deal, but thought id mention it.
Sorry, what do you mean by live use? I started off with MainStage and didn’t have this issue. I appreciate the two are very different programs but what is stopping anyone from using it live?
Nothing is stopping you — but many of us just don’t like their license process and worry that those plugins could stop working unexpectedly if they can’t “call home”
I meant playing live rather than working in the studio. If you are in the studio and your plugin wants to call home to continue to work, it is not a big issue. If it does the same during a gig, it is a different story. When I am in musician mode, I don’t want to care about this kind of licensing issue especially for a plugin that I paid.
Many GP users came from Mainstage because they had reliability issues with it. But, it takes a little effort to understand that there are crashes and crashes. If you give someone the keys of your car and they crash it into a tree, it’s not really your fault. With real-time audio, GP has to give the keys to other plug-ins, and if they’re badly designed, they can crash dragging along GP (And crash dumps show that it is generally not the other way round).
On the subject of “but it only crashes in GP”, it’s also important to understand that GP doesn’t ask plugins to do anything else than what they’re supposed to be able to do in the standard they’re supposed to follow. However, there are situations that plug-in developpers sometimes con’t consider, because the situation does not usually happen in studio use of a DAW. When GP makes a request that is perfectly correct and part of the standard that plugin hosts and plugins should theoretically follow, but which has not been taken into account in the development of a plugin, crashes can happen.
There are then two solutions: get the plugin editor to fix it, or avoid using it live.
As I said, I know the call back in an issue, but what else is there. You said ‘for a start’, so I assume there are other things?
I had no reliability issue with MS at all, but I did find it hard work getting things as I liked them. GP just seemed easier to set everything up. Granted I never gigged MS, but had a few rehearsals.
I guess if I gave my car keys to someone who isn’t qualified to drive and they crash, I could certainly be implicated.
As you might remember, I contacted Arturia with another issue and they said they dont support GP, so I was on my own. I expect the same will happen if I contact Roland.