GP5 and Arturia PlugIn is missing

Hi guys,

I have a gig file from GP4 where everything is finde. When I open it with GP5 the Jup-8 v3 from Arturia is missing. VST3.

I think GP5 knows where it is, because it’s in the plug in list and there are no errors.

Did you hear something similar or have an idea what the problem could be?

I will check more things later. Load the plug in again and such things. At the moment I haven’t much time at the Mac.


Are you by any chance running on Apple Silicon and trying to load an Intel version of that plugin?

I don’t think so…

But I will check. Is there a difference in handling between GP4 and GP5 ? Because it’s all on the same machine.

Similar problem here:
On macbook pro GP5 does not show the Musiclab VST2/VST3 plugins and rackspaces say the plugin is missing until I open the plugin manager. Then everything is okay.
The next time I open the gig the plugins are missing again. AU is working fine.

This behaviour doesn’t show in GP3 and GP4.

Good That it is not only my problem. I checked the collection for updates, but for the Jupiter There is no update.
And from my point of view, it’s the correct version.

Are you running the Intel version of GP5 on Apple Silicon under Rosetta?

No, I loaded the universal version… where can I check it in the installation?

What happens if you try to create a new Jup-8 VST3?

Take care: your wrote about Jup-8 v3 - this is an old version:

The old Arturia versions are not Apple Silicon compatible!

Edit: BTW: useful plugin explorer on macOS: PlugInfo: Audio Plugin Explorer | Apple Silicon |


Just one more: I just had a look at my M1 MBP how esp. the Jup-8 shows up

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-14 um 10.07.50

The previous screenshot was from my intel iMac…


Edit: what’s also quite interesting; Jup-8 v3 was part of the V-collection up to Version 7
On my intel iMac the version number in ASC shows up with, on my M1 MBP with but still not Apple Silicon compatible…

Yeah, that confirms my suspicion that they are trying to run an Intel plugin on Apple Silicon

Ok, but why there is no problem with GP4?

It’s the same machine, the same gig and at the moment it’s only that plug in.

A solution could be to save the v3 preset and load it into v4, but it would be interesting to understand what is working and what not.

Any chance you are using Rosetta with GP4?

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That is extremely high probability

Could be. I will check it later.

But again: where is the difference between GP4 and GP5 in this fact?

I think it’s very important to know if there are differences in handling. Or isn’t it possible to work with Rosetta with GP5?

I will solve the problem with changing to V4

Well, just an easy check:

I would bet on your GP4 you have this box ticked :wink:

I would propose to uncheck it on GP5 and clean up your plugins (e.g. with the help of PlugInfo linked above).

Besides the remainders of the Arturia collection (Jup-8, Stage V, AL 4) my MBP is “clean” meanwhile - no need for Rosetta

Open the Get Info for GP4 and see if the Rosetta box is checked

Thanks, i will do that and uninstall the old ones.

While quite a few people do run GP4 (and probably GP5) under Rosetta so that they can still use Intel plugins, and they report that it works well, we don’t officially support that mode as we have no control over how well Rosetta works and we have full native support for Apple Silicon

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I think this is the “problem”. And the next one for me is: V3 and V4 are not compatible :frowning: so I have to program everthing new.