GP with Xone K2

Hey Everyone,

New user to GP, building my rig and absolutely loving it.

I’m having some issues mapping the endless rotary knobs on my Xone K:2 in GP. When I rotate the knob it shows in Global Midi Monitor but when I click learn in the midi tab of a widget and rotate the Xone Knob it doesnt show up?

Appreciate any insights!



I believe the Xone K2 encoders send out relative values.

Here is how to handle it.

  1. Open Rig Manager and create a new control
  2. Use MIDI learn on the control
  3. Use the 3 dots to change the control type to two’s complement
  4. Assign your widget the the name of the control you gave it in Rig Manager.

See this page.

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Hey Steve, thanks for the quick reply.
This has worked for 5 out of 6 of the encoders.

I’m having issues with one of them still and I think its because its value is:
CC 0 Bank Select: 1 Channel 15 → when I edit in the widget it sais: CC0 and CC32 messages are reserved for Program Bank Selecet and cannot be learned.

What should I do in this case?

Appreciate your time.

You may need to create a gpscript to convert the incoming CC from 0 to something that doesn’t interfere with GP.

I think the script would need to be a the gig level. You may want to search the forum to see if this has been done before.

Edit : See this post.


Alternately you could set you Xone K2 for latching layers and use different CCs


CC 0 cannot be used as a controller, neither can CC 32. Both of these are used for bank selection.

Which is why he should out it in Latching Layers mode and use either the yellow or green layer. The device is not otherwise programmable.


Thanks for the suggestions guys, going to try out latch modes.

Another issue i’m facing is that the LEDs on the buttons arent lighting up on my controller when turned on/off. The buttons are turning on/off inside GP but the LED’s on my controller are not responding to it. Does anyone have an idea what i’m missing?


I am still interested to have somebody for testing this :innocent::

Yes, most controllers with LED’s use the same MIDI message as sent to light the LED’s. This is NOT the case with the K2. The LED’s are controlled by a completely different MIDI message. The K2 manual indicates the proper message to light the LED’s. This would need a gpscript if doing it with Gig Performer.

For me, I used Bome MIDI Translator Pro with a project file that I created specifically created to accept the same MIDI message back from the application and convert it to what the Xone K2 expects. It was quite an ordeal to figure this out.

There is nothing secret about it, you just need to read the manual about what MIDI messages light the LEDs and figure it out the proper translations from there.

Edit: Actually it wasn’t in the documentation. I had to reverse engineer it.


Thanks for the advice steve. I ideally don’t want to run another app for this live set as I already have Ableton & GP and want to keep things streamlined. Do you know if its possible to do this inside GP? Also perhaps someone who can help me do this as I have 0 script knowledge? Happy to pay.


Hi @mattnash

I’m sure it can be done. The question is at what time and cost.

What would have to be done.

  1. Map all notes from Xone to CC’s instead avoiding CC0 and CC32.
    Gig Performer reacts much better tot CC’s as widget than notes.
  2. Convert the current note (now CCs) so that the same CC sent also handles the the LED so that Sync works.
  3. Optionally determine what color value to send back to the X2. It turns out that you can send red, yellow, or green but right now they are different note numbers. The script could consider this so that you could add color choices to the script. For instance in my Bome MIDI Translator Pro Project file I use incoming the same CC number but value of 0 is off 1 is red, 2 is yellow, and 3 is green.

If interested in paid consulting, PM me for my rates, although I know there would be quite a bit of time involved but the path of quickest outcome would probably be Bome MIDI Translator Pro. I actually could deliver it as a “Player” which would be pre-packaged for what you want and you wouldn’t need the Bome MIDI Translator Pro full license. It is basically a standalone runtime engine.

Again, I’m willing to give it a go with GP Script but I’m not an advanced GPScript user (yet) so it would take some time hence would be more expensive. Maybe someone else could do it for less than me.

Another option is just to use a different MIDI controller that is more programmable to align with what GP MIDI learn handles better. After I bought my K2, I’m not that much of a fan although it has a nice build quality but their programming is quite strange.


Yeah it seems like a lot of work (and money). Would a novation Launch Control XL be easier/better to manage for GP? Seems like nearly a similar amount of controls

Yes, however if you need relative encoders, it doesn’t have that.
It is also programable with Novation Components so you can avoid CC 32 and CC 0.

I think you can also program most buttons to send CC instead of notes. I think the 6 at the right are not programmable though and only do notes so if you want to use them, you may need to add a script to convert to CC.


I don’t actually need relative encoders, Do you know if it’s possible to latch on/off with the launch XL? Ideally looking to use some of the pads as plugin bypass but want the LED to show the state.

Appreciate your advice Steve!

Yes, you can and the side buttons can also be programmed.