GP with SongbookPro

Hi everyody!

Does anybody work with GP together with SonngbookPro and has a solution to control SongbookPro via GP or GP via SongbookPro? In my case I have GP and SongbookPro both running on a Windows 11-Machine.

Any ideas?

Is this the app? Using an iPad to send Program Changes - #34 by Darug

Hi npudar,

no, there are a few Apps at the market with “Songbook” inside their name like Songbook+ or LinkeSoft Songbook. But I’m speaking about SongbookPro of Songbook Systems Limeted in Version 23.0.15.


I read in the manual that MIDI in songbook pro is not supported under Windows.

And which possibilities are there, when SongbookPro runs on a Android-tablet or iPad?

I never used that app, but I assume it includes MIDI support (maybe also OSC?)

If you own an Android device, you can easily connect it using a USB cable and send MIDI to Gig Performer. See the bonus section of this article: How to change sounds and control plugins from your MIDI controller - Gig Performer®

I am immediately prompted what to use with my device and I select “MIDI”.