I’m new to GP. Here is a software setup: Rhodes Anthology 1.0.0 #248, XLN Addictive Keys 1.7.1 build 241007, NoiseAsh Sweetcase EP 1.5.0. The plugs all output to the standard 8-channel audio mixer. Input is MIDI from a keyboard distributed to all three plugs.
This is GP 5.0.20 on Windows 11, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd gen for audio. The CPU load mostly stays below 15%.
Sounds great, works great – until it doesn’t. Suddenly the setup gets completely quiet, even though the wires in the “Wiring” panel look live enough (hitting a note makes them light up, as usual). I tried to bypass the plugs, one after the other, to no avail. MIDI panic likewise. Only remedy is to restart GP. This has happened a couple of times, but I don’t see any regularity. On a single occasion it began emitting an unstoppable motorcycle sound.
My question is, what can I do to track down or document what’s wrong? Does any of these plugins have a reputation for messing up? Is it possible for a plugin to completely lock up GP? Needless to say, this is a showstopper.
Method of elimination.
We know that this doesn’t happen with the bundled templates (i.e. plugins that are in them).
So, can you please use the bundled templates and test?
As a Scarlett user with three different models (Solo, 2i2, and 4i4) all 3rd gen I can say they have been very reliable on my Lenovo i7 mini PC’s that I actually perform live with but are flaky as can be on my full size Dell Xeon desktop. All running Windows 10.
Seems if it is idle for any amount of time they just go dead or become totally garbled. The quick fix is to toggle the sample rate in the Focusrite settings app. I usually run at 128 and just toggling to a different rate and back brings everything back.
It’s very annoying and I have done all the optimizations such as ultimate power settings, etc, etc.
I suspect something in the USB ports although I’ve tried just about everything I can think of (powered hubs, no hubs, a variety of cables) but the issue persists!
Thanks @aharry for this idea. You know, this does not happen often, perhaps not even once a day. I also can’t see any pattern of usage that provokes the fault. Which means running with bundled templates or a different audio i/f isn’t feasible. When bad fortune strikes I need to have an action plan. I will try fiddling with the Focusrite driver. It’s their latest version, very recently downloaded.
The notice by @dhj reinforces the impression that the audio interface might be the problem. The wires are indeed “live”, sound is shipped to the output.
Is the setup a new one, or are you using this setup quite some time, but it suddenly started behaving badly?
Things to look into:
sometimes the newest drivers aren’t the best, and older ones are better
The USB hubs might get powered down by Windows. You can change this using device manager (If you didn’t do this already before)
My experience with Focusrite Scarlett interfaces is that they are pretty solid (until my 4i4 3rd gen started smoking somewhere around the USB connector. Power regulator, I guess. Too bad)
Thanks for tips on USB hub power, didn’t know that (I don’t run Windows a lot). Seems very relevant. Great, by now I’ve got an action plan, come what may.