GP Selector: Song and Rackspace Selector Extension

I have had that issue on earlier versions. But I can’t replicate it on my Intel MacBook (Ventura). I’ll need to dig into the code to try and figure out what’s going on. Could you try the Lyrics/Chords extension and see if it does the same thing with songs?


Thanks for getting back to me.

I loaded the Lyrics/Chords extension and had no issues.

Since I had to add a bunch of blank songs in setlist view I retested GP Selector in song mode and saw the same behavior. As soon as I remove the keywords for custom colors scrolling works without issue.

My computer is an M2 Max Silicon if that points you anywhere.

Many thanks!!!


That’s a good clue, thanks!

@Sternen I’ve tracked the issue down and released a fix.



it works! Can’t wait to put it into action this weekend. You have no idea how much easier this is going to make my life. :smiley:

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