GP only opens current file


In have a problem in which I can’t load any gig files except the current one I have been working on. Even if I go to the finder and open an old gig file it automatically opens my newest file and I need a rack space from an older file. When I try to open from within GP in the file menu it just crashes every time. I looked on the message board but I am so under the gun right now I can’t spend hours trying to find the answer. I am a little panicked right now since I still have to get my presets together for this Saturday. I did install the new Omnisphere install that Spectrasonics sent me and this is the first time trying to get back to my performance. Spectrasonics said this would fix my problem, but now there is a different problem Spectrasonics didn’t think the update should cause the problem.

I reinstalled the previous released version of Omnisphere and that did not fix my problem. Should I reinstall Gig Performer? I don’t want to lose the gig file that I have that works since I am under the gun.

Here are the last 2 crash reports. I wish I could read these and save you the trouble. Sorry!


It seems I can’t drop in the crash reports - sorry.

Your Vienna Ensemble is crashing.

This is a known problem on Mac. If you first open Gig Performer empty (or with something else in it), then you can double-click on a file via the Finder to open it. However, that won’t solve your problem if a plugin in that gigfile is crashing.

What I don’t understand is why exactly you are having this problem now — presumably your ViennaEnsemble has been working in the past so what changed?

Nothing has changed

GP won’t let me remove Vienna no matter how I try - remove, replace plugin and just hitting the delete key on my Mac keyboard

It seems that this Vienna plugin crashes GP when you try to close it, right? If so, open the Plugin Manager and right click on this plugin to disable it. Then you will be able to remove its Chameleon and store your gig file without it (You will eventually need to restart GP before).

If you want to access another gig file, then start GP by maintaining the SHIFT key pressed when starting. Then uncheck « Load last gig file ».

For more information:

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Thank you David - I did manage to disable the Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble plugins and everything is working now. I will send a message to Vienna tech support to report this problem since I love the sounds for certain situations.

Thanks - gB

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I’m having this same problem. I think it’s because of the EastWest Strings “Play” plug-in, as that’s the one that stalled out initially on the file I tried to open.

I went to the trouble of uninstalling the entire EastWest Play plugin from my computer because I don’t use it, but I’m still having issues. GigPerformer only opens my current file. Anytime I try to click another file to open it, it still opens my current file. If I try to open a different file from the program, it just beach balls on me until I have to force quit. I would really appreciate some help on this, very frustrating.

See here: General

“Reload the last gig on startup.”
Turn it off.

You are on a Mac, right?