GP not compatible with Arturia controllers?

Do we get a message or newsletter when this feature is implemented?
My live project (and buying GP) is on hold until GP handles the MIDI inputs better on Windows machines.

If you subscribed to our newsletter - we typically do send a message out. Announcements are made in these forums, on our website etc… Software itself will also alert you about an update

Just a teaser ---- but … :wink:

(Disclaimer — this is an upcoming feature, it’s not in the currently released version of GP)


Aargh, please release it for Windows :heart_eyes:

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It’s cross-platform, it will work in both!

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@LePhi maybe you can use LoopMidi along with Midi-OX utility in order to create Midi Routes with multiple loopback connections. I do that in order to access to the private MIDI ports (in this case with Nektar controllers) and share one midi port using multiple controllers.
Maybe you could try that workaround.

I tried this workaround without success, but my demo is expired now.
Maybe when they release the updated version I would buy Gig Performer, because at the moment I simply can´t use it with my equipment.

This is actually implemented now but chances are that it will be a few months before it is released as it is been folded in with other changes that have been underway for some time

A few months, ouch.
I´ll have to see how I can compensate the gap until this update is released.

GP 3.6 will be out shortly and will hopefully solve your problem :partying_face:

Hi, just testing 3.6 and things have been improved.
I can disable the private MIDI I/O ports of Spark and KeyLab now.

Arturia Spark is connecting to the Spark Drum controller, so that´s fine.
Unfortunately the KeyLab still gets no information from AnalogLab 4 or other Arturia plugins on its screen.
You can remote control the plugins the way it should work, the mapping is correct, but somehow this bidirectional communication couldn´t get through GP´s MIDI routing.
As we saw before, AnalogLab 4 has no MIDI out, so it´s a kind of hidden protocol.
Maybe you can ask Arturia, how this specific KeyLab/AnalogLab communication has to be handled from a host.

The idea is to add. a widget for each knob/button/fader of your Keylab, to define for each widget the corresponding MIDI message sent by the Keylab (use also the MIDI sync option), then to associate each widget to a parameter/value of the Analog Lab 4 plugin. So the Analog Lab 4 won’t send any MIDI message directly to the Keylab, but GP will do it each time a widget value is changed.

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In theory this is a nice idea, but you have 25 virtual instruments and 6500+ presets with varying controller assignments in AnalogLab 4, plus you can use the single VSTi and they report their parameter feedback and preset names to the KeyLab too.
This is an incredible amount of work that I would have to do in GP.
And it has already been done by Arturia, GP just has to let the communication pass through.

BTW in 3.6 the knobs and faders don´t work anymore to control the parameters of AnalogLab.
I can browse through the presets with the jog wheel and the arrow keys, but the MIDI control is broken.

Hi LePhi,
I have AnalogLab 4 and also Keylab MkII in my gig setup and I can confirm that knobs and faders works for controlling parameters on AnalogLab and also I can browse through the presets using the jog wheel and arrow keys using version 3.6, but I cannot establish bidirectional communication with the keyboard (i.e receiving parameters update on the keyboard).
Also you need to be very cautious when using Gigperformer to control various instances of Analog Lab in a rackspace because one change on a parameter will be reflected on all the instances.

My question is how are you using Gigperformer, or how do you expect to use it?
In my particular case first I defined first my sounds and use different plugins covering that sounds, then I build various rackspaces that use multiple plugins and I define widgets for each of those plugins and then switch between those. I use the Keyboard on “User Mode” and I defined specifics CC parameters on faders, buttons and encoders then I maps those on the widgets which communicate directly with the plugins. I owns V Collection 7 so I build widget for Mini V, DX 7, Jup-8, etc. I don’t use one Analog Lab instance for the most in order to switch sounds. Also I use some of the preset from Analog Lab that merges 2 plugins in one sounds and I use that preset on one of my rackspace. GigPerformer I think is not suited if you use one plugin instance to changes presets.