GP + Helix Native: Glitching Effect when switching variations

Is anyone utilizing GP (Gig Performer) along with Helix Native?

I’m experiencing a problem when switching between variations. When transitioning from a wet variation (reverb + delay) to a clean guitar variation, I encounter a glitching effect from the wet effects, as I can still hear the reverb and delay.

I have only one rackspace, which includes one preset from Helix Native, and multiple variations.

Are the reverb and delay blocks in Native, rather than separate plugins?

If blocks in Native, are you using host automation parameters to bypass/enable the blocks? What about the parameter in the Native block to enable tails when you bypass?

If you’re just switching variations, unless you’ve got a widget that is doing some explicit parameter change or you’re bypassing plugins etc, there’s nothing going on inside Gig Performer that would do this.

Certainly, the reverb and delay blocks are within Helix Native.

Regarding host automation, I don’t employ it. Instead, I utilize the widget in Gig Performer to adjust the parameters in Helix Native.

But you map the reverb/delay to the Native parameters e.g. Switch 1, Switch 2, and then map the widget to these? Rather than send midi into the plugin?

Nope, basically, I have 4 snapshots and those 4 were mapped in the variation of my rackspace.

snapshot 1 (helix) - clean variation (gp) - map to 1 led widget then assigned a midi cc

snapshot 2 (helix) - reverb + delay variation (gp) - map to another led widget then assigned to another midi cc.

And so on and so forth… I hope it makes sense.

Ok, so you’re sending midi CC into Native in order to change snapshots.

It’s probably best if you upload a small gig file so we can take a look.

Helix-Native_03.gig (5.1 MB)
here’s my gig file. Thank you!

I think you have an unconventional rackspace setup. When you say you are using snapshots in Helix Native and switching them using variations - you are actually using multiple copies/plugiins of Helix Native, each set to a different snapshot (and bypassing/activating the plugins using GP variations).

Instead, you can achieve the same thing with just one Native plugin instance within the rackspace, and use GP variations to switch snapshots within this one plugin instance.

Also, the instance of Helix Native in the global rackspace isn’t doing anything, as none of your local rackspaces are routing audio to the global rackspace. But this instance of Native is taking up a decent amount of CPU (on my MacBook) and will contribute to glitching as you may be overloading your computer/interface.

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ohhh I see. Yeah, it’s unconventional :sweat_smile: I don’t have any other idea on how to set it right.

Can you help me on how I can achieve that?

I really appreciate it.

I’ve redone one of your rackspaces to use just one Native plugin.
Helix-Native-Mod.gig (268.7 KB)

It’s more complex to use a separate LED widget for each snapshot. I’ve used the new radio buttons feature in GP to achieve this. Native includes a parameter for the snapshot index:

So although it’s possible to set up 8 different LED widgets to change the snapshots, it’s actually much easier to use a single Knob widget, and map it to this parameter.

Another approach would be to use the single knob widget as the method you link a snapshot to a GP variation, and just leave the LED widgets mapped to nothing, and act solely as your visual aid.


That’s so cool! just wanted to shoot you a quick thank you for your help with re-building and fixing my rackspace setup! Really appreciate your expertise. Couldn’t have done it without you!

Thanks again!