GP Crashing upon Memory Dump?

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Hey community,

New user here looking to purchase GP. Liking it a lot so far. I’m having an issue with GP crashing anytime I try to load a new gig while GP is loading plugins and even after GP is finished loading plugins. It will even crash when I’m only ditching one plugin, so trying to ditch one by one also crashes GP. I’m using a lot of Keyscape instances do I’m at a 8 GB load at least.

This is obviously a deal-breaker for me in terms of purchasing. I’m getting the sense that GP doesn’t like single channel RAM that much. I have one 16 GB 2666 Mhz RAM stick. Can this be a problem?

I would love to use GP but it’s not reliable right now.

Best regards from Holland,


I haven’t experienced this issue. I did experience a bad plug-in that caused strange effects – the plug-in manufacturer updated their software and that solved the issue for me. I’m a big fan of GP, and not paid in any way to say that! :wink: