Hi! GP5 User here! Today GP crashes when loading my usual gig file at startup after (I’m not sure it’s related) installing Lounge Lizard 4. Someone could help me? Could I attach the error log file?
Now you should be able to upload the crash log.
Sorry…I just realized that I don’t know where to find it, a part from copy and paste. Could you show me the way? (it sounds prophetic…)
Find it here
Location of crash report on Mac
the funny thing is that I took two computer programming exams…don’t tell anyone…
thanks for your kindness!
GP5 crash log.pdf (1.1 MB)
They ripped you off
Can you upload the original file?
It should have the ending ips
how to you load the gig file?
Are you in Set List Mode or Rackspace View?
Are you using predictive load?
Did you do a new plugin scan after installing Lounge Lizard?
Wow - looks like GP got into an infinite loop — that is TRULY bizarre - never seen this before — will take a closer look and get back to you.
The PDF is fine
I think I’m the cause of my problem…another machine, lounge lizard installed, same gig fille: all fine. as soon as I turn to setlist mode it crashes. Yesterday I screwed up with program changes in a song…is there a way to access a setlist in a sort of “safe” mode? The fact is that…I was born premature!
I take it as a compliment
OK - you’ve caught yourself in a feedback loop.
As far as I can tell from the report, you are sending MIDI messages OUT of Gig Performer and those messages are being sent right back INTO Gig Performer. The message (probably a program change) is requesting that GP switch to a song+song part and as soon as that new part activates, it’s sending a MIDI message out again.
I suspect you’re sending messages via IAC ports (I can’t tell) and if you’re sending program changes into IAC and you’re accepting program changes messages from any device, that will bite you immediately.
I don’t KNOW that’s what you’re doing but based on this infinite loop, it’s something like that
yes, exactly! I was messing around with mobile sheets and gig performer…when I feel so light I have to suspect that’s why the brain is out!
Ah. If you had mentioned that at the beginning, I could have told you right way what was the probably cause
Lounge Lizard would have had nothing to do with this issue.
I remember all of that once I read your replay and I noted that GP was crashing in setlist mode only. Is there a way to access that setlist in order to delete those program changes or I need to create a complete new setlist?
Start Gig Performer
Disable all MIDI Ports in the Options Window
Then load your gig file
Can’t disable local gp port but I find a trick activating: global midi → Only accept program change messages on specific channel and setting to 4 (for example). In this way the infernal loop is broken and I can access the setlist mode.
Thanks for your help, pianopaul and dhj!