GP 5 global rackspace midi

Bought and installed version 5 earlier this week (upgrading from 4.8) and just opening up to start working with it now. I was excited about the feature of sending MIDI to the GR but it didn’t seem to give the functionality I was envisioning. I’m probably missing something.

In 4.8, I used the “To Global Rackspace” plug-in to route the audio from individual instrument plug-ins in my Local Rackspaces, to specific audio channels in the GR. (Which then allows me to create sliders in the GR’s panel for live mixing of the various instruments’ audio coming in.)

I figured in GP 5, I’d be able to create instances of my favorite often-used instrument plug-ins (say, a brass patch, a piano, a Rhodes) in the GR’s Wiring, and then selectively send the MIDI data from corresponding individual MIDI inputs in the Local rackspace to the GR where it would be passed along to the appropriate instrument plug-in in the GR. But with only one MIDI input on the “To Global Rackspaces” plug-in, and only one MIDI output from the “From Rackspaces” ug-in, there seems to be no way to distinguish which original MIDI input (in the local Rackspace) the data come from or to whoch instrument plug-in in the GR’s wiring, any specific MIDI data, should go. You can wire the MIDI to multie instruments but (it seems to me that) it will send ALL the incoming MIDI to each plug-in you have connected, rather than separating it (for a keyboard split).

Hope I’ve explained what I want to do clearly enough, and I’m guessing there must be a way to accomplish it. Can anybody help straighten me out? Seems to me a better design would be for the “From Rackspaces” to have multiple MIDI sources to which you could selectively route the data from your local MIDI input blocks, similarly to how you can route the local instruments’ audio to whatever audio channel you want in the GR.

Heck, maybe this can even be done in GP4 and I just missed it.

Thank you!!

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You can use different MIDI channels as a way to separate the signals.

I was hoping not to have to do something like that, but how would I implement that as a solution? Thanks for the reply.

Use the midi Constrainer, that is what it’s for

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I just did this for the first time the other night. I removed four instances of Omnisphere from all the 20+ racks in my gig file, and put each in the Global RS. I set up the “To Rack Space” thing with 8 channels of Audio and routed the stereo pairs from the 4 instances to these. Then I went into each of these plugins and set their incoming MIID to be channels 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively (this is a function of the plugin instrument, not GP). Next, in the racks I removed them from, I use the channelizer to map all all the output from the MIDI controller in question to the correct channel 1, 2, 3, 4 and then route that MIDI to the global. And then route the audio from Global (the right of the 4 pairs) back into the rackspace. This allows you to put up to 16 MIDI Instruments in the global, and for me, it great decreased the load time of my gig file, since you can load a shared instrument once and use it in multiple rigs. Yes, I would rather have multiple MIDI connections to the global, but this works and is a welcome new feature!

Would “use it in multiple rackspaces” make more sense than “use it in multiple rigs”. (Or maybe I am missing something).

You could use a couple of GP Relayer plugins on different relay numbers to give you more than 16 channels

yeah my terminology was off there. “use it in multiple rigs within the rackspace” was what I meant. thanks.

I haven’t even LOOKED at the relayer thing yet. I’m using this live and trying to keep it relatively simple, but with how much I love GP5, that is looking like a loosing battle.

I just found this thread. It is exactly the question I had.

Hybernation, thank you for walking through this.

So this requires that you set different midi channels in the plugin in the Global Rackpsace.

It is great that GP now allows midi to be transmitted from the local rackspace to the Global Rackspace (without having to fiddle around with OSC). Thank you, GP!

But, I think the next step should be to allow different midi in blocks from the local rackspaces to be treated separately without having to go through all this.

Basically, I would think there should be multiple midi inputs (I suppose it could be “midi channels”) in the To Rackspaces block for different midi in blocks and the From Rackspaces block should have different outputs (it could also be midi channels) from the different midi in blocks (in the local rackspace).

I think this is really analogous to how audio is treated.

(But it should not matter what midi channel the signal originally comes into GP from, so maybe a different term should be used other than “Midi Channel”(?). Or maybe you can view this as “re-channelizing” and still use the term.)

[PS: This is basically what Richard Forman was saying in his starting post post. So, I could just say, “I agree”.]


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