Global Rackspace not outputting to every output channel

Hi everybody,

I’m having a weird problem with the output channels in the global rackspace. I just switched from a Focusrite 4i4 to a MOTU Ultralite MK5 for extra outputs. When in the rackspaces, everything works as expected, every output channel outputs audio.

For some reason, in the global rackspace, only channels 1-2 and 3-4 output audio, even when copy/pasting a synth or audio player that works in the other channels in rackspaces, only 1-2 and 3-4 work. Note that the GP metronome also outputs to every channel as expected.

I changed the Global Audio Sender to 22 channels from 4 thinking it would fix the problem, but it still doesn’t work…

Any ideas?


If you open a blank gig, put an Audio File Player with a track playing in the Global Rackspace, connect the outputs to channels other than 1-2 and 3-4, and open up the Audio Out block—do you see audio levels in that block like this?:

Also, make sure each output channel is assigned to its respective outputs.

If the initial output blocks were 1-2 & 3-4, if you add more channel outputs, the default assignments are always to 1-2… I seem to remember.

I can’t show images because I’m not at my machine right now

After some time I figured it out! Since I changed interfaces, the new interface’s Output Volumes (I didn’t know that was a thing, I’m still learning GP haha) defaulted at - infinite db for channels 5 to 22 on the Global Rackspace. I don’t know why it didn’t do the same on the individual rackspaces but there you go! Thanks guys, simple fix!