Gig performer taking a long time to save a file.

Gig performer taking a long time to save a file, every time I do an update, the save takes more than 1 minute most of the time. This didn’t happen in the previous version, it started happening in the last update. Has anyone had this problem?

What was your previous version and what is your current version?

I’ve heard this from people using real-time anti-virus products and/or permission issues that interfere with the file saving process.

It’s happening to me as well. I’m running V5 GP - on an HP Windows 11 laptop / 32GB of RAM and 1TB SSD drive. I have stripped down the OS as much as I possibly can, no anti-virus installed, one program running in startup (PreSonus Control Panel), and bare minimal services running (CPU usage very low) and it takes a good 1 to 1.5 minutes to save the Gig file to my local drive. This wasn’t the case when I was running GP5 on my Macbook Pro (M1 / 8GB Ram / 256GB SSD), the Gig file would save in a matter of seconds.

How big is your gig file (though that shouldn’t matter much)?

Something is getting in the way though. If AV is really disabled for file monitoring, then perhaps a bad add-on, or possibly your drive has some corruption.

When did this start happening? Was it always happening, or was it after a change?

Note that Windows 11 users are reporting all sorts of problems lately with recent updates from MS.

Thank you for responding! My gig file is 22MB

It started pretty much when I first installed/loaded GP5, Arturia and Native Instruments VSTs on my Windows Laptop. I purchased this refurbished Intel i3 CPU with a lot of RAM and a decent sized SSD laptop about a month ago. The Windows 11 Pro OS was installed fresh and before I installed GP5 or any VSTs, I did all the Windows updates, uninstalled the anti-virus, used an “Optimize Windows Performance” guide posted on this site to “trim the fat” ,optimize performance/ tweaked power settings/disable un-needed services, ect. I have been working with Windows OS since 3.1 (yes I am that old, HA!) but in the past few years, I’ve solely gone over to Apple OS, so I did have to re-familiarize myself with how Windows allocates resources and memory usage - still sucks!
This is a brand new setup for me, going from dedicated two keyboards (MODX and Korg Nautilus) to one 88-key controller and GP5 so I’m “smoke-testing” just about every day especially with this new laptop. The long save of the Gig file is not a “show stopper”, just more of an inconvenience and hopefully not indicative of a larger problem with Windows and GP v5.

“knock on wood”, so far… I haven’t had any other issues on this Windows laptop and GP5

Do you have any network mounted drives or references to them?
Are you connected to the internet when you try to save? If so, what happens if you disconnect from the internet and then try to save?