Gig performer Apple Mac M1 memory issues

my hand hitting my Korg keyboards keys.

Does the problem happen if your hand is NOT hitting your Korg keyboard keys?

Does this happen if you do not do anything except start GP?

Also - could you show me a screenshot of your general midi settings in GP please.


yup its the same result even when no keyboard is plugged in.

@djogon meant screenshot of the Global MIDI settings, see here:

So, @kwamstar , take a screenshot of that window.

We just finished another round of testing and after 12hrs of continuous running on an M1 computer, GP4 was using about 400Mb of RAM - same as it was when we started it.

Could you send us your complete settings file so we can try with that.
Click on Options->Export All Settings and send that file as a private message if you want (just click on my icon send then “message” and paste the zipped file.

Have you ever considered that this could be caused by some sort of malware?
Have you done a malware check on your machine?
Mac Antivirus | Malwarebytes Antivirus for Mac | Malwarebytes
How is the CPU usage of GigPerformer? Does it also excess the normal expectations?
Is your diskdrive full?
Just some thoughts that came to my mind…

I don’t have any of these anti softwares but I can download and give it a try,
the cpu is pretty stable I think, I haven’t paid that much attention to that.

I will monitor the cpu too.

Thank you.

no my drive is not full

Ok, i thought it was worth a thought…
I read through this article and they were considering it as a possible cause
How to fix your system has run out of application memory on Mac? (

So after receiving @kwamstar settings it turned out that he was using the Software Renderer instead of the Core Graphics Renderer on the mac and it seems that especially with the BigSur and M1 that produces some issues.

There is really no reason to use anything else but the Core Graphics on a mac these days so we will be phasing out both the Software and the OpenGL renderers. If you are using one of those right now - please switch to the Core Graphics Renderer.