Gig Performer an remote control of Ableton Live

For the next gig I am playing we use Ableton Live for Backing Tracks.
Ableton runs on a different machine and I can not control It because it is about 10 meters away from me…

So I am controlling it via a local Ethernet Network and sending OSC Message from Gig Performer.
Works fine, but when the correct scene in Ableton Live is not selected and I press play, then …

Solution: In Ableton Live a M4L patch observes the current select scene and sends back an OSC Message to Gig Performer

This way I can switch a song, send OSC message to Ableton Live to select the desired scene and from Ableton Live the selected scene Name is sent back.
This way I am sure the next song is the correct one.

Here the patch which observes the current scene

And here how it looks in Gig Performer

And this are the scripts used to send and receive the OSC messages

Gig Script

var CurrentSong : String
    Artist      : String
    MOSC : OSCMessage

on Song (old:integer, new:integer)
 CurrentSong = GetCurrentSongName()
 Artist = GetSongArtistName(GetCurrentSongIndex())
 Artist = ToLowercase(Artist)
 OSC_SetAddress(MOSC, "/SelectSong")
 OSC_AppendStringArg(MOSC, Artist)
 OSC_SendSpecific(MOSC, "", 8000)

// Called on attempt to change playhead status - (Rackspace and GigScript only)
On SystemEvent(newValue : double) Matching PlayheadStateChanged
 if newValue == 1.0 then
  OSC_SetAddress(MOSC, "/LaunchScene")
  OSC_SendSpecific(MOSC, "", 8000)
  OSC_SetAddress(MOSC, "/StopScene")
  OSC_SendSpecific(MOSC, "", 8000)

Global Rackspace Script

var ActualSong : Widget

On OSCMessageReceived(m : OSCMessage) Matching "/ActualSong"
 Print(OSC_GetArgAsString(m, 0))
 ActualSong.SetWidgetLabel(OSC_GetArgAsString(m, 0) )

I use also sometimes ambiance musics stored on a remote computer, but as OSC, scripting and network are too complex for me, I use a Logitech R400 wireless remote to change songs :man_facepalming:

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