[Gig] FoH template

In this amazing gig file dedicated to Front of House engineers, find a 16x16 Mixer with the scenario of a 5 piece band (2 Guitars, Keys, Bass and Drums) 4 of which sing.

The channels are grouped into 3 busses: Vocals, Instrument and Drums (NB: drums get their own bus since they use half of the channels).
Additionally, the 4th Bus is added to the Main mix for a Media Player which is located in the Global rackspace.

There are two main outs: Main and Streaming, so the levels can be controlled differently for each.
Each band member get’s their own Monitor Mix as well as the Board.

Each Channel as well as Bus has an EQ, Compressor, Delay and Reverb - courtesy of Overloud TH-U (EQ) and FX from Lost In The 70s. Rather than reproducing the buttons and dials for each, a button is included to launch the editor as well as bypass.

Here is some extra to avoid unnecessary scrolling - navigation buttons: on each of the panels are included buttons to quickly reach the desired panel.

Finally, the talkback functionality from the Main Board to each of the outs is included.

Download: FOH_16Channel_5_Piece.gig (13.1 MB)

Credits: @KCummings