GIF Widget

I do not know, as a new user, if it is possible to insert a gif widget, for example with a VST logo or …

if not, it may be an idea …


This is not possible right now

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You want it animated or not? :innocent:

B&White :slight_smile:

OK, black and white animated gif… hummm… let me try something…

@dhj, @djogon, look at this picture:


Now your eyelids are heavy, you feel tired, you sleep and dream of implementing a re-dimensionable bitmap widget.
Now I’m going to count to three, you’re going to wake up with a huge desire to program a bitmap widget…

one… two… three…

Did it work ? If not I have no better idea :innocent:


I wonder how many glitches you’ll create in your audio while the computer using extra CPU cycles to render all those moving GIFs :slight_smile:

More seriously — do people really want to look at GIFs when they’re on stage performing?


I close my laptop on stage!
For important information a smartphone with TouchOSC is useful.

Edit: Or a screensaver with the animated gif of @David-san :smile:

Edit edit: Perhapps an idea for the hippy mode


Seriously, animated GIF wouldn’t bring anything I think, but bitmap widgets could allow us to design nicer panels. Would it sound better? No!

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Animated gif was a joke.
My idea was just small icons.
But it is true that it will not improve performance.
I tried to fix the psichedelic image and …