This is a 1U rackspace panel of the Brainworx/Plugin Alliance version of the Gallien-Krueger 800RB plugin. Intended to be a faithful reproduction of its front panel -minus the misspelling of “Equalization”
It uses 3 special fonts, so install them on your OS and set your GP to use local fonts (Options > Display > Widgets > Allow use of local fonts.)
The main font used on the panel is Arial Regular (you can change it to Helvetica, if you prefer, or use GP’s default Sans-Serif, but regular Arial works best)
For the GK logo and voicing filters curves it uses a custom .ttf font I made from this SVG vector file I found and edited.
I made the curves myself with vector graphics editor (like Adobe Illustrator).
Then I put both vector files into a .ttf font using using the icomoon webapp.
The GK typeface is actually a real font called URW Corporate W01 Normal.
Here’s the zip file including a gig file, a gppanel file and the 3 fonts:
Hope you enjoy it and make use of it.