'Freeze' effect

Is anyone using a plugin that creates a ‘Freeze’ effect similar to the EHX Freeze Sound Retainer pedal or Gamechanger Plus?

I use the poly sustain pedal available in helix native. Should work for any sound i guess. Idk if there is a standalone plugin for that specific effect

Yes - good solution - haven’t yet shelled out for Helix Native (I use Helix Floor though so might be a good option). What have you found CPU wise in GP relative to other plugins? Certainly challenges the Helix hardware!

The more effects you add in native the more cpu will be used, so it will depend of your laptop. With macbooks i guess should not be a problem.i will try to share my signal chain later today, but currently my cpu load on gp does not goes beyond 25 % i have a wet/dry/wet with the poly whammy effect at the beginning, which is the most cpu intensive effect. Besides native i additionally have midi guitar and effector whammy to modify (in glissendo and portamento way ) and bluecat feedback generator. I haven’t used all plugins at the same time but it should go easily beyond 30% of cpu usage. My cpu is not powerful (15 10210u) and i am running a buffersize of 8 samples at 48khz. I have very sporadic glitches but is due to an acpi driver issue which has been reported to Lenovo.so any other laptop with more powerful cpu should do better

Thanks - be interesting to see that signal chain for sure :+1:
Regards CPU use do you see Helix Native with Poly Sustain specifically using more than other plugins?

I’m using a Mac Mini (M2 Pro) so should be OK for CPU I reckon, but will test for glitches at lower buffer size. What interface are you using that allows 8 samples buffer size? I’m generally at 32 - think the Helix which I use that for my interface driver goes down to 16.

I dont really use other plugins for guitar right now…i used some time ago amplitube, but right now i am happy with helix, so i can not really compare. Again, will depend the amount of effects you add. Do an experiment and add as many fx on native and find how much is the cpu usage increasing

I have 2 audio interfaces, the all in one “mighty space” amp by nux (this reaches 8 samples as Lowest buffer size), 48khz and an old VOX amplug i/o (pocket audio interface) this can go as low as 24 samples at 44.1 khz

As i mentioned, besides native, i use midi guitar in a second instance running in parallel with the main native instance and i have raised the buffer size at 16 samples, as i am facing some kind of temporary “radio noise” (im not sure if the interface section of the amp is running too hot.

Below you can find my fx chain in native and gp


Hey that’s great - thanks for sharing. I’ve not come across the Nux amp - interesting! I may have to shell out for Helix Native as it obviously will give me a lot of flexibility in addition to the Freeze options.

If you qualify for the discount for Native as you own Helix Floor, then it’s a no-brainer!

Agreed - I think not unfortunately as my Helix is second hand :frowning:

I fotgor to expalin my chain haha. All effects after the cab are stereo fx, all the yellow fx are related to get acoustic sound and the first 4 are self explanatory, mono effects but the one that says is a delay, actually is the freeze fx, as it needs a clear signal (same for poly whammy fx) i can controll the whammy fx with 2 different controllers, being one an expression pedal and the second one, an Arduino ble midi controller with whammy bar

Please check my video about this controller

I can do crazy whammy things without going out of tune


nice - thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

That’s a really cool controller! Did you make or buy that?

I made it.

You need:

Arduino esp32 board



A 3D printed mechanical cam, (i have my CAD ready for printing, i can share it for free)

A whammy bar

The code for arduino : GitHub - josehdx/WhammyBLE: Code for esp32 s3

And some cables and soldering machine for the potentiometer and board joint

Then i mounted on a metal plate i bought on a workshop and finally glued with a 2 side tape to the guitar.


Even if this is a very old thread - I have been searching for a long time on this topic and hope that I can help with this:
I use Frostbite 2 from Audiothing (Frostbite 2 - Spectral Freeze Plugin MultiEffect (VST, AU, AAX) AudioThing) and can get pretty good results with it.
I also recently discovered Timefreezer (http://www.timefreezer.net/) and it looks promising, but I haven’t tried it yet. It also seems a little outdated, and I wouldn’t buy anything from an unencrypted website.

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