Free from Arturia : Efx REFRACT - Versatile Unison Effect

I didn’t try it, but it is free for Christmas :christmas_tree::santa::


I often wonder why such plugins are only free for a limited time. The cynic in me suspects that companies put these plugins out using “holiday gifts” as the excuse but they’re really looking for users to be free beta testers. Otherwise why not stay free!

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I suppose they want people to try one fx plugin to discover others and buy them…

Also a way to grab the email of potential buyers…


I think of it as an Xmas present for being a long-time buyer and user of their VIs. I don’t expect to receive an Xmas present in May or September. And for those who don’t have any Arturia (or whoever) products, they have to create an account with contact info to gain access. From a marketing and sales perspective, I don’t have any trouble with that. In a crowded, competitive market space, it makes sense to me. From a user’s perspective, I think I’m actually getting something of value when I see it months later for sale at its MSRP. What I NEVER download and install are free, limited versions of VIs. If I need to demo something, I want the full version to try, not, for example, a free limited version of a piano VI with all of the middle velocity samples removed.

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I think it is the often used “loss leader” approach. These days you need to install a Product Manager type app to install any plugin and once you are in their eco-system, there is less of a bar to buying something else from them. Once you are in, “you can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave”.