FormatTime format?

In the following function:

FormatTime : Returns a formatted timestamp from a given time in milliseconds

  • Declaration: function FormatTime (timeInMS : double, format : String) returns String
  • Category: System
    Parameters * timeInMS : double
    • format : String
  • returns String

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It is not described how ‘format’ should look like. I tried this:

FormatTime(ClockTime(), "HH:MM:SS")


FormatTime(ClockTime(), "hh:mm:ss")

But it returns just the strings “HH:MM:SS” resp “hh:mm:ss”

Where can I find a list with legal format strings and their meaning?

(Edit: just found in an example it should be something like “%H:%M:%S” … please add this in the documentation).
@David-san This is not deprecated :slight_smile:

Never said this, I said TimeNow() is deprecated. :nerd_face:

I know … it was a joke (sorry for not being clear, unlike TimeNow, the FormatTime function is not deprecated).

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Hi, this works for me

FormatTime(ClockTime(), “%H:%M:%S”)

and if you want milliseconds as well

FormatTime(ClockTime(), “%H:%M:%S”) + “:” + CopySubstring(DoubleToString(ClockTime(),0),10,4)

Nitpicking: Better first save the value of ClockTime() to a local variable. The result from ClockTime() might change in the meantime. :smile: