FCB1010 - going wire free

So I’ve done the mod to convert the FCB to 12v DC, there’s plenty of examples
I’ve also used a Dewalt Adaptor so I can run it off my Dewalt 14 and 18v batteries.
To go wireless I’ve used a WIDI MASTER from CME.
I wanted to Display the state of the foot switches so I realized the Widi Master has a separate midi connector for receiving midi signals which is normally for programming. I’ve disconnected this from the FCB and connected it to the cheapest midi to USB adaptor from Amazon and plugged it into an old Samsung android phone I had about.
Using Midi instead of OSC on the touch osc app allows me to build a screen that mimics the controls from GP
I have a UNO2 chip on order which it says can send a midi signal for bank changes which I hope will allow me to change touch osc screens as the FCB changes banks which may allow me hundreds of banks, I will probably get a cheap tablet to make the screen a bit bigger but as its talking BLE to midi I can get any type without worry about ble or wifi.
The BLE is very responsive, I’ve not noticed any lag on the volume and wah pedals back to GP.
hope this might inspire someone else to mod for GP


This is pretty cool! I think the FCB1010 is very underrated.

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Tiny Box has a hardware equivalent to the UNO2 firmware which - on top of the UNO2 feature set - adds wireless functionality to the FCB1010 and has an embedded setup editor and web server. More information: FCB1010 add-on shop Not sure when it will ship, they say soon though. Their forum and support group is fabulous - almost as good as GP😀 The link for the WinO2 manual is here for a full description on the mod, setup and use: https://www.fcb1010.eu/downloads/Wino2_Usermanual.pdf

I’ve been using the Tiny Box (with Jack Box) mod for a few years now and use the FCB1010, both hardware on the floor and virtually, and keep finding new uses for it. Your mod looks great!