Edit-function: Re-store last stored Rackspace

I use GP on my MacBook Pro. Unfortunately I lost the reset-function to" the last stored Rackspace" in my edit-mode. Means when I make any changes in my rackspace and finally don’t like the changement, I cannot re-store the original rackspace. That’s a problem.
Furthermore the undo-function “cmd+Z” doesn’t work either.
Any help is highly appreciated.


P.S.: what a great tool GP is! The best fo
r guitarists

Hello @RolandStrat , welcome here :slightly_smiling_face:

What do you mean by “in my edit-mode” ?
The function “Revert rackspace to last saved version” does not exist in Edit mode.
If you want to use it, quit the edit mode, right click in the left column on your rackspace name then you can use it here.

Thanks for this advise. It works! Great help.

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