DX Dreams for GP?

I’ve looking at getting an FM synth VST and have been pretty impressed with DX Dreams by Backstage Pass. However, in the requirements section, it says that Mainstage is required. Is this true and it cannot be used in GP?

DX Dreams isn’t a real DX-7/FM synth — it’s just a collection of samples running on the proprietary sampler that is included with Logic/MainStage. They’ve created a collection of processed sounds (presets) which gives you instant gratification. Since the sampler is proprietary, you’re stuck with having to use Logic/MainStage. More interestingly (in a bad way), looking at their website, it looks like they way they have designed it, it uses the entire layout in MS so you can’t really run any other plugins with it easily.

BackStage is apparently creating the same product to run on Kontakt which will open it up to being used with any plugin host, not just Apple’s stuff.

That said, there are many FM Synth plugins out there (i.e, ones that actually emulate the original DX7, not just play back samples), a lot of which are even free, e.g. look at Free FM Synthesizer VST Plugins!

There are also some interesting and rather fascinating non-free FM synths out there like the e’FM from Traction.

They all sound damn good to my ear.

They also mention that they give you 8 “channels” of FM, modeled after the TX version of the DX7. But once you’ve got an FM synth plugin, there’s nothing to stop you from instantiating it multiple time to get exactly the same concept as the TX.

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If you want a free modeled DX7 plugin you can go for Dexed which is simply fine and there are many many presets collections compatible with it. It is even compatible with the real piece of hardware and can be used as a librarian for it (plugout :wink:)


+1 for Dexed!

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Here’s the link to the Bobby Blues page where you can download for free his “All The Web” collection of presets for Dexed.

All The Web patches collection


Another one:


Thank you all!

FWIW DX Dreams for Kontakt was recently released.