Duplicated rackspace that differs only in the preset loaded into a plugin

Predictive loading will not help you with plugins that are in the global rackspace.
Unfortunately, loading time depends on what the plugins need to do. Make sure that you’re not running into an issue where the plugins are trying to connect to some remote server and you’re being held up by delays there.

Yeah, but (at least for FM8) you have to enable PC support and then associate presets with PC numbers. Our mechanism doesn’t depend on any of that stuff so as long as you’ve saved your sounds, you can get them back the way I mentioned and you won’t have to do any special configuration

Man! That little script using LoadGPPreset() works beautifully!!! At least for AAS Ultra VA-3, which is the only plugin I have had time to try this evening. For that plugin it does EXACTLY what I need it to do, namely load new presets into the synth plugins when I call a different variation.

There is no noticable latency - at least within my requirements. This will now further cut down the number of rackspaces that I need for a gig and consequently shorten the time it will take to boot. Great progress!

@dhj You solved my problem, and very quickly. I am extremely grateful.
Thanks again for all your help!

Good to know but please be aware that it is an experimental feature. It requires file loading of state into a plugin and we simply don’t have enough different plugins to be able to evaluate how safe is this mechanism (it really depends on the plugin being well behaved). Let us know how it goes with other plugins

@dhj Tryimg to implement your suggestion, but always get an error when I start GP 4
Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-03 um 13.40.03

Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-03 um 13.40.37
…here is the Rackspace:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-03 um 13.46.09

You’ll have to give the plugin block a “Script handle” (say: name it)… rightclick the plugin block and search for “OSC/Script handle”, then activate the use in scripts and use the same handle name which you use in your script.


@schamass Thanks a lot, now it works nicely!


Will do @dhj . I may need your kind advice again with the “more difficult plugs” like FM8, per your comments. But will give it a try first and see what happens. And I will report all odd behaviors. Thanks again!

No, if you use the GPLoadScript function, it will just work for any plugin.

If you need to use Program Changes, then you have to configure plugins like FM8 explicitly to support them.

As it happens, I wrote a blog article a long time ago on how to do this with FM8


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That blog article is great! Very clear and helpful. Thanks!

@dhj Is there a way to have anything like “Patch Persist” between the variations?
Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 10.04.22 PM

No chance to patch persist when you load presets

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We could think of something like the Plugin Persist Scriptlet, but I didn’t try it. I am not sure I am a big fan of loading plugin presets.


No, there is not!

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Please do. In my experience, there is a noticable lag when you completely change the plugin state (so, say goodbye to instant and glitch-free experience).