Dumb Question: Default Full Bypass of Global Rackspace

I am noticing that over time my CPU is going up to 20% using an empty rackspace. I suspect this is because I may not be properly bypassing unused plugins in the Global Rackspace.

Is there an easy to default to bypassing all plugins in the Global Rackspace unless they are actually used?

I have to admit I do not have a great grip on when you can bypass MIDI IN Blocks in the Global Rackspace to so the the plugins are not using CPU (or maybe I am making an incorrect assumption there).

In Local Rackspaces where I use plugins in the Global Rackpsace, I think I’ve figured out how to bypass MIDI IN Blocks I am not using so I do not hear those instruments.

But, I am trying to figure out a simple way to bypass everything int he Global Rackspace when they are not in use via a local rackpsace (I use OSC).

Maybe a System Action Plugin? (Another concept I admit not not understanding fully)

I am hoping I do not need to add a widget to every local rackspace for this purpose.

Although I use a “default silent rackspace” when I am not actively using GP (so, if I am just using hardware sounds not connected to GP). So, setting them all up so no CPU is used in the Global Rackspace when they are active is an okay “half measure”. (So, if I am leaving my computer on without using it, I can leave it on the “default silent rackspace” and CPU will not be used).

But, my preference is setting things up so all Global Rackspace Plugins are bypassed when not in use.

As always, I hope this makes sense. Thanks.


That is the downside when you place in general plugins in the global rackspace.

Thanks for responding, Paul.

I’d have to set up a widgets in every Local Rackspace shutting them off?

I suppose I could do the “halfway” method of putting widgets in my default silent rackpsace so all plugins are bypassed when I do that.

Related question: If I bypass the MIDI IN block does that have the effect of bypassing all plugins that are downstream to that block? Even effects that are attached to the plugin? [MIDI From Local Rackspace>Session Horns>Reverb Effect Plugin]

[Hmm, I wonder if the developers could code some way detect whether the Global Rackspace was being use and have an (optional) setting that fully bypassed the Global Rackspace when not in use?]


Bypassing a MIDI IN Block does not bypass other Blocks connect to that MIDI In Block.
I would never bypass a MIDI IN Block, you could get hanging notes.
Better your filter out Note On events.

Yes, using your current setup that would work.

There are many different ways to achieve the same end in GP,. For instance, you can put everything in one rackspace, or you can use many rackapaces and variations, or you can add things in the Global rackspace also, or you can do all that and add additional instances of GP, with their own rackspaces etc…

As such, it can be important to assess whether the current architecture has reached a point of diminished returns. That can mean many things : maybe the needs have changed, maybe there is more that needs to be added that doesn’t fit in well with the current setup, maybe the machine is getting maxed out, maybe it’s just taking a lot of work to adjust what’s already there.

I can only speak for myself, but if I had 20% usage in the Global Rackspace with a blank local rackspace, I would create a separate instance of GP and reorganize what I was wanting to do. One advantage of that is the allowance for future change and growth.

I’m not saying this is you, but I see a lot of users getting frustrated when their current architecture reaches a growth ceiling and incorporating new things becomes increasingly difficult. These are the signs to consider looking at a different architecture, in order to keep the usage fun, easy, and with room for growth.

I don’t really put very much in the global rackspace beyond a global mixer and maybe a reverb. I find it easier to just put everything I need in individual rackspaces.

But if you want to have a lot of stuff in the global rackspace and be able to bypass everything, then just give all the blocks handles and create a global script to bypass or unbypass everything.

Use a widget button in a local rackspace tied to a global button to trigger the script. Or just have the script respond to an OSC message….or just have a physical button on your controller to do it

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Thanks, guys.

David, that it a bit to much for me to handle. Maybe I could figure it out, but it would stress me too much in the process. (Of course, if someone else wants to make a scriplet (with a detailed walk thru)…hint hint, nudge nudge :smirk: )

There are a couple of things that even I could do.

First of all, I have a reverb plugin in the Global Rackpsace, which really has no place being there. That might be a factor. I should move that to local rackspaces (where it is used).

Then, at least it my empty silent default rackspace, I could could set up widgets to bypass every plugin that might generate CPU. So, at least when I switch to that, the CPU use should be low.



One question….are you running out of CPU ? I can’t help wondering if you’re trying to do what we call “premature optimization”, meaning you are trying to fix a problem that you actually haven’t encountered.

For example, you mention that the global rackspace is using 20%. Is that 20% preventing your other rackspaces from working properly?

Also understand that the whole point of individual rackspaces is that they use no CPU cycles if they’re not the active rackspace. That is why, for the most part, everything you need for your songs should go into local rackspaces.

That’s what she said! Hah!

Your point is well taken. I am probably guilty as charged. My system is running fine.

I think with active rackspaces with heavy cpu plugins, I get up to around 50%. I have not noticed any artifacts or glitches (fingers crossed).

But, I guess I do like to be smart about how I do things to give me some “headroom”. (With ram this is even more important because every time I add something to the Gig file, it takes up some memory. But, I am good in that department as well).

If I am just running things in a way that does not make sense (e.g., that reverb should probably be individual rackspaces), I do think about correcting it before I “need to”.


[PS I probably do not need a scriplet. But, this may be useful option generally (so the Global Rackspace only uses CPU when it is engaged).

I figured I would post an update. (I had an issue last night where the CPU was maxing into the low 60% range I it might have caused crackling).

I thought maybe the OriRiver Reverb could be the issue. It was in the Global Rackspace, used with Session Horns (who knows, maybe I could have used the reverb in Kontakt?)

I tried bypassing the effect, and the CPU immediately dropped.

So, I decided to remove it from the Global Rackspace and insert it in the local rackspaces where I use Sessions Horns.

It seems this had a dramatic positive effect. I have had GP on for a while and on empty rackspaces, are generally under 10% and high CPU rackspaces seem stay in the comfortable range (although I have to admit, I did not expect that issue I had last night).

Hopefully, this did the trick.


On another note, once again Syntronik is not restoring all my saved state presets. So, I will have to recreate them (I rarely stray far from the actual softsynth presets, but now I have to sort through them and pick the best. I will write them down so I am better prepared going forward. But they DO suck!

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