Dual booting Windows with a reliable boot manager app

After a recent Windows crash at a gig, I decided to set up a second partition on my Surface Pro 9 (2Tb SSD). On the second partition, I installed Windows 11 and optimised the install for gigging. I then made the decision to never go on the internet again.

Partition 1 has the main install and is used for general use such as email and downloading an update now and then. I found a boot manager app call EasyBCD, and this works ok, but is a bit picky if I try to change its settings. If I do that, then the PC won’t boot and I have to carry out a new Win install on partition 1.

Just wondering if anyone knows of a reliable boot manager that works consistently. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Link: https://alternativeto.net/software/easybcd/

Thanks for the suggestions, but my very clever whizz kid son found the answer for me within some software that I already have, namely Macrium Reflect X.
Cheers, and I appreciate the input.

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