Drawbar widgets acting up

Sorry, another issue im having tonight.
This is hard to explain, and is random.
Im using B-3X (VST3) as my organ in quite a few Rackspaces.
The Rackspaces have been working fine more or less, most are working without an issue, but ive had this issue crop up a few times with a couple of them, and put it down to me being sloppy. I now know it’s not this.

I have 9 drawbar widgets. each is mapped to an upper drawbar in B-3X. I also have 9 faders on my keyboard mapped to the widgets. This all works as expected.
When I go in to these specific Rackspaces the widgets are not mirroring what I have set in B-3X, although the sound is correct. If I move the faders on my controller the Drawbars do move and the sound changes accordingly. Everything that I can see is set correctly and all backspaces have the drawbar widgets set up the same.

Now, that being said, I know that using Setlist mode does force them to change, but when im in Panels mode, it gets confusing as what im hearing is not what im seeings.

On top of this, ive had at least two Rackspace panels for the B-3X have all the drawbar widgets jump to 0 (so all pushed in) when I go to that backspace. The sound is still ok most of the time, but Ive also had a couple of times where ive had no B-3X sound, and find the widgets have sent their state to the plugin and so its not sending out any audio. I thought I might be doing something wrong, but I just saw them do this. These were the two ive been trying to get working properly so I know I didn’t leave them in this state. If I go to setlist mode and back to panels the drawbar widgets are updated to reflect the current sound.

I know this is not something anyone can replicate so I can only assume it’s just me, but wanted to point it out and its freaked me out at gigs when I suddenly see the drawbars all in.

Hi Dave,

I experienced similar strange behaviour with B-3X but on Windows. The symptoms were not exactly as yours, but I also noticed drawbars jump to 0 occasionally when returning back to a rackspace, and sometimes the widget values seen in the panel did not match the sound from the VST. Weird, sporadic behaviour that seemed random. I use Crumar D9X as the controller for the B-3X.

My symptoms were resolved by unchecking “follow hardware” in the widget value settings for the drawbars.

Thanks for the reply.
I don’t have follow hardware on so it’s not that. I have around 35 rack spaces with the same panel, all are using identical widgets, as i used the same rack space for them, but only a very few show this issue. It’s a minor irritation when it’s visual, but on the odd occasion that I’ve had no sound it’s a major pain.
I might just remove the panel as i don’t really need it. It was more to help me fine tune the sound when setting things up.

Coming back to this as im getting a bit nervous.
Ive done 3 gigs since this thread started, and each time ive found at least one backspace (using B-3x) to have all the drawbar widgets set to 0, and no sound from the Plugin because of this. when I open the plugin the drawbars are all off as well.
These are rackspaces i know I have used many times, have never saved in this state, and have not made any alterations to the Rackspace.
Ive now had to go through all my rackspaces and delete the panel with the drawbar widgets on them, as this seems to be the issue. In fact I ended up using two different panels, one I made myself and the one that’s posted on this website that gives the basic drawer bars. Each was used in one or other backspace that I had issues with, although I do have many other rackspaces that have never caused any issue.

Im now worried that ill select a song at a gig and have no sound, and this has already happened, so better to be safe than sorry.

Has this happened again since you’ve changed out the panels? And, what version of GP are you using?
I’ve tried experimenting with
HaNonB70.rackspace (222.0 KB)
and can’t get it to act up at all. I’m on GP5 and Mac OS 15.1.

No, not happened with any of the ‘problem’ rack spaces once the rack has been removed over the past few weeks. Last night was the last straw so i took them all out.
Latest (as of today) GP5, but it did start with the last version.
The B-3x is pretty much the only plug in i use with widgets for parameter control in a RS, so it’s the only one ive seen effected.
The only connection i can see is it seemed to be more the older Rackspaces i use. Only been using GP since July and back then i was reusing the Rackspace/panel for new songs. Those older ones seem to be the ones with issues.

This happened again last night. This time at a gig. We rehearsed on Thursday without any issues, but at the gig i switched to a rackspace and all the drawbars were in, so no sound. I had been using this fine 2 days earlier (and have been using this R/S for a few months).

There is only one thing i can think of thats happening, but it’s just a theory. This racksapce uses a preset in B3-X, which I have made for this song. I know for a fact i added this B3-X preset to another, new, racksapce at the rehearsal, as we did a song i wasnt prepared for so just re used the preset.
Looking back at some of the other rackspaces i can see i have also re used presets, and these are the ones ive had issues with. I have many Rackspaces with B3-X and drawbar widgets that have never given me a problem.
Ive now stopped using drawbar widgets in all my Rackspaces, just to be safe.

So it works perfectly in Setlist Mode, but not when you go to the Rackspaces?

[If so, I would consider whether you performed a “snapshop” to “set” the widgets within a particular song part. If you go to the variation itself (depending on the setting) it would not apply the snapshop set in the song part.]

No, both set list and rackspace mode.
The thing is i would, and have never, used B3-X with all drawbars in. In fact i don’t actually touch the widgets for these at all, there were there more as a visual indication.

Maybe set the drawbars exactly as you want them to start and re-save the B3-X preset?

Thats what i have been doing. Something is causing them to change and it’s not me.

Can you try with another format? Some IK Multimedia plugins are leaking MIDI.
Link: IK Multimedia VST3 plugins are wrongly responding to incoming MIDI messages - Gig Performer®

‘some’? that article sates only one that you know of.
Since I got rid of the widgets in the rackspace panels ive had issues with ive not had any issues, so dont want to start messing about. I do still have a few with the widget’s so ill keep an eye on those,

Can’t hurt if you tried, for troubleshooting sake :slight_smile:
There were examples on Facebook, pity I didn’t index them.

Well I’d have tried if i hadn’t already stated I’ve taken the widgets off so it would be pointless changing the format.

I think i do have a back up file that still has them in. Taken just before i had the last issue so that might work. Thing is it’s not something i can force to happen.

I’m convinced it’s to do with sharing a preset, or maybe changing that preset in one rackspaces and it having an effect on the next one. I’ll look in to that and see if i can replicate it.

It shouldn’t take too much time to simply create a demo gig file (copy and paste your existing gig file to experiment) with the VST version. Add a couple of drawbar widgets and report. :slight_smile:

Maybe it would work! :slight_smile:

As per my previous posts, I have rackspaces that work fine, with drawbar widgets. I have around 30 rackspaces that use B3-X. id say at least 20 of them have never had a single issue, so creating a new gig file wouldn’t prove anything.