Hi. I’m a guitar player with a tonne still to learn…
I saw a video recently where they were using a ‘dotted eighth’ delay effect which sounded really nice
Are there any plugins out there than can do that? I own Guitar Rig 6… Have the demo of amplitude 5…I tried a couple of delays in there… But I didn’t have any success trying to make the amazing dotted eighth delay I hear online Does anyone know any vst plugins that can do that delay? Thanks!
I have Guitar Rig 7. If GR6 has the Replika GR delay unit, click on the text above the Delay knob in the center top and pick “dotted” from the dropdown. Then click and hold depressed on the knob and mouse up or down until you see “1/8 .” below the knob. Let us know if that works for you.
I’m still on Guitar Rig 5, but i guess V6 will work the same way.
You just have to expand the panel and then enable the “Sync” option in the Delay components of Guitar Rig, then the time value will change from time (ms) to note values (i.e. 1/4, 1/8, 1/8.) which will always relate to the global bpm of Gig Performer (or “the host”).
The thing is: If sync is OFF, then there is no time base available, so a value of 1/4 will have no relation… if i was a teacher, i would ask my student “1/4 of what???”
BTW: I also checked various plugins from Neural DSP (Nolly, Cory Wong, Plini, Tone Master, Tone King Imperial) and also S-Gear 3 from Scuffham Amps… they all support note based time values!
Just take 60,000 (the amount of milliseconds in a minute) and divide it by the BPM value to get the value in ms for 1/4 note (1 beat) . So for example, given a BPM of 111: 60,000 / 111 gives us 541ms for 1 beat (1/4 note).