Does something like this exist or a feature request

Hello GPers

I’m a keyboard player looking for easy ways to have multiple splits on a keyboard controlling various plugins. I have seen where people just create a new midi input for each, but what I would like to see is a midi i/o keyboard with a choice of 49, 61, 76 and 88 keys. I would then like to select a section of that keyboard and route it to a plugin, and on the same midi i/o keyboard, select different keys to for the next plugin. Overlapping keys allowed. This should allow for a graphic single midi i/o icon controlling each preset of a song instead of having loads of midi i/o’s all over the screen.

Individual MIDI In blocks is the way to do this and you can still have overlapping areas.

How many splits do you have in a single song?

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Why you you need that?
This will introduce complexity loosing flexibility.
All features like velocity curves would have to be reimplemented.

I’m currently using a bunch of keyboards and am trying to get it down to 1 or 2 with gp,
I would like individual keys to trigger sound effects as well as 3 or 4 splits for instruments. So it could end up with 10 zones. Re Pianoaul, I haven’t played with velocity curves yet, still working on just the setup before I start tweaking things like that but thanks for pointing it out.

If you mean 10 MIDI In blocks, that’s nothing — I sometimes have double or triple that amount.

When you start doing things like routing your sustain pedal from one keyboard to control a synth that is otherwise being controlled by a different keyboard, you end up with even more input blocks.