I have gone through my USB settings in Device manager and turned off the “save power” option. However, the entry indicated in the SS keeps getting turned back on. Is there anyway to keep it permanently turned off?
If the ‘selective suspend’ (or whatever it is called) setting is turned off in the energy settings from Windows, Windows is supposed to not-turn-off any USB, as far as I know…
The selective suspend is off.
I’ve has a series of unfortunate failures with my live performances lately, and I wondered if this switch that wont stay turned off could be involved.
I’ve just re-read what you wrote, and I may have it wrong. Should the selective suspend be on then?
USB selective suspend should be disabled.
Any and all ‘power saving’ features should be disabled for live performance.
This is what I mean.
This should be enough, but turning off the powersaving-per-device option is a good idea. (Well, it is Windows after all).
But turning off the powersavings for your device individually is what doesn’t work and you started this topic with.