Delay CC message

Ok, is there a possibility to recall Presets with PC messages?

  1. For Preset switching , we would recommend using the Program Change message. To set the Program Change message, please click on the Edit button of a specific preset to enter the Edit window.

Why not use different rackspaces and combine that in SetList Mode in Song Parts?

Yes. I think I know where you’re going with that. To save the same preset with multiples of 4 scene combinations as different presets? That’s an option, although I would need to load multiple copies of BIAS plugin the same rackspace because program change between variations is not a good idea right?

What I’m also just considering, is having variations that do not change scenes. It would mean getting to the scene I want to stay in FIRST, and then switching to variations that do not have a change scene script, ONLY the widgets controlling the effects I want. Hm…

Sorry, I replied before I got this… Yeah, that’s an option too!

My Idea is:

Build a rackspace and with variations you can recall 4 scenes, all effects correctly ON/OFF
For the next 4 scenes you build a new rackspace again with the needed variations.
With Audio Muting and Tail Length there is no issue when you switch the rackspaces.

And you have to know that loading a plugin for example 10x it does not consume 10x of resources because only instances of the same plugins are initialized.

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You know I’m very much a live and improvisational player. I like to be able to have options on the fly. So I thought it would be nice to be able to have control over some of my favorite effects in any of the scenes and be able to switch scenes at the same time. However, sometimes we have to work with the limitations rather than bang our heads against the wall trying to change them. It might be that I can only do that within a particular scene once I’m in that scene. In that case those controls work nicely up until I want to switch scenes again. Or what you suggested about different rack spaces also gives me some more options. Thanks for thinking about it!


You can do this if you can split things into two (or more) instances of Bias, putting one (or more) in the global rackspace and the other(s) in regular rackspaces.

I’ll just make up some stuff to give you an idea. Let’s say you want a compressor, chorus, wah, reverb, and delay that you always want to be able to control on the fly and you want them to maintain those settings when you switch scenes. You would put those effects in a Bias instance in the global rackspace.

Let’s say you also want to switch between a Marshall amp & cabinet in one scene, a Princeton in another, and a Diesel in a third. You would put those in different Rackspaces with a Bias instance that’s in those non-global rackspaces.

You could wire it up so your main raw guitar input comes into a Bias instance in the Global rackspace that applies just a compressor, chorus, and flanger. The output of that goes to a “To Rackspace” block. In the regular rackspace you have a Bias that picks up after those other effects and goes into an overdrive, amp, and cab sim. Coming out of that you can feed the signal back to the global rackspace and go into yet another instance of Bias for reverb and final multiband EQ.

The point is that whatever you put in that global rackspace will persist across whatever rackspace changes you make.

Personally, I don’t use “scenes” or “patches” within whatever guitar bundle VST I’m using. (I use TH-U now, but I’ve messed with Bias, Amplitube, and Guitar Rig in the past.) That’s what Rackspaces are for.

That is really awesome! I’ve been thinking about doing something like this, but between completely reorganizing my synth setup and rethinking everything with all the goodies we’ve been blessed with with GP4’s features, I have not gotten around the my “Bias” problem until the today. So thank you! You are really helping me confirm how I thought I should do this, but wasn’t sure if it would work so thanks for sharing this!!!

Just to make sure I understand, you are talking about two (or more) instances of Bias, NOT different instances of GP right? I’m pretty sure you are, just wanted to double check. So one instance of BIAS in the global for the same PRE amp effects, out it goes to the individual reg rack spaces of bias, gets amped and cabs, and then back into the same global bunt another instance of bias for POST cab effects? Yeah, that would totally help b/c I DO use many of the same effects in bias and its a real pain setting them up in each individual preset. With this only the amp and cabs (more or less) would need to be changed. Awesome! Man, that would also motivate me to make more amp/cab combo presets, knowing I don’t have to spend time on the effects. Anything that gets us more into spending artistic time, not just programing time is a GREAT THING! LOL

I currently use a similar set up, whereby I use BIAS AMP in the global rackspace for the amp only, and some guitar rackspaces have an instance of BIAS FX2 with effects and cab combinations. Sometimes I bypass FX2 entirely and have separate effect plugins only, but its all going through that initial BIAS AMP in the global rackspace first. You could certainly do something similar with multiple instances of BIAS FX2.

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Yes, that’s what I meant.

Massive difference between me and my brother is I always go down that rabbit hole (his term) of tweaking and switching this cab sim for that cab sim, this amp for that, toying with simulated microphone placement to take a little edge off a sound, blah blah. After five hours of that I really like my tone, but I’m just fried, so I put my stuff away and come back tomorrow.

Then tomorrow it sounds like crap. Because ears are funny things.

That’s why he plays on stage and I play in my basement. At least that’s what I tell myself.

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I’m worse! I’ll spend days tweaking! LOL That’s why I recognize the value of speeding things up. :slight_smile:

Amazing how with all these instances and global rackspace GP4 has opened up signal path and editing possibilities the standalone apps could never offer. :+1:t2:

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BTW @Vindes and @edm11 how does this all work with guitar match? Where do you put it? In the global or reg rackspace? I would think at the beginning of the signal chain, but if its in the global, then you can’t change it per preset like I like… so I wonder if I put it just before them amp…should be OK. I’m guessing that the most important part anyway.

Also, I can’t find a way to only include the effects and not amp/cab for the global. It doesn’t let me delete it. So you just deactivate them?

Yes, deactivate the amp and cab if you just want effects.

I don’t use guitar match, but I would imagine that would be something that would change per song, probably not in the global rackspace.

That’s what I thought. I tell you what though… with this setup, I can def see the draw of Bias Amp, since you want the effects and amp/cab separated anyway… Thanks!

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