CTRL O doesn't allow me to open GP file

I have not updated Windows in the last 3 wks. I try to keep this laptop off the net and only hook up to download programs.
Not really keen to a complete uninstall/ install of GP.

What version of Gig Performer are you using?

And what happen when you do this:

Main Menu => File => Open

GP 3.2.7
When I select File Open , I get the GP load a Gig menu. No problem.

So only the keyboard shortcut does something strange?


So I think there must be defined a strange shortcut:

Can you check if something is defined?

If CTRL-O used to work for Gig Performer, then the only reason it would no longer work is if something else took over that keystroke combination, there’s no magic — something has to have changed — did you install any other programs? Did you perhaps try to define a global hotkey but get it wrong - or did some other program do this?
Note that Windows updates can happen in the background. However, this one is particularly strange.

You shouldn’t have to although it wouldn’t hurt to try — your rackspaces won’t be removed, installers can only uninstall what they know about when they installed something.

By the way, just curious…have you tried just rebooting your computer?