I’m wondering what would be the best way to go about this.
I am recording to a file from Gig Performer, MIDI only, and I would like to be able to press a button on my Streamdeck to create a marker in that file while recording.
Should I assign the Streamdeck button to a widget to make something output on Channel 2? Or is there a better way to do this? Since markers are technically MIDI meta messages, maybe there is a way to do this directly?
Ideally I would like to know how I would do this with audio recording as well, if that’s possible.
There isn’t currently a way to add markers ‘on the fly’ via automation, though that would be a nice addition in the future. Using such a feature might cause audio artifacts during live playing however.
The MIDI File Player has some keyboard doodles I made as a MIDI file for testing.
Since Gig Performer only records the MIDI INPUT for its recordings, and not output, I needed to hook things up to a MIDI Input block. However, there is no inlet to send things into it. Luckily, I found the “enable MIDI merge” toggle to create an inlet.
Unfortunately, the logic behind this doesn’t end up sending the MIDI to the files I am recording to. Maybe there is another way? Is a “record MIDI output” feature planned for the future?